WP-DB-Table-Editor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WP-DB-Table-Editor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 6 ratings
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Plugin Description

This is a WordPress plugin that allows direct excel-like editing of
tables in your WordPress database. It’s goals are to provide useful,
simple, flexible database table admin screens.

It supports:

  • one table per admin screen, as many admin screens as desired
    • These are organized under a new “DB Table Editor” menu item
  • excel spreadsheet like interface using SlickGrid
  • Filter and Sort results
  • Add, Edit & Delete records
  • Custom buttons extensibility
  • Custom permissions per interface for viewing and editing
    (defaults to: edit_others_posts)

    • editing defaults to the same permission as viewing if not specified
  • CSV exports of filtered grid
  • Custom primary key names (but must be a single value / column)

Adding an Interface on the fly

If we go to look up a database table editor and we dont find it, but
there is a function named dbte_create_$tbl that matches, we will call
that function expecting it to return a dbte instance. This is useful
in situations where we may not have the data for a table editor in all
circumstances (EG: not every page has a member id, so only do it on
that particular page).

Adding an Interface from a plugin

If you need to add an interface from a plugin, you should use the
admin_menu action with a lower than default priority.

eg: add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_load_tables', -10 );

Inside of the my_load_tables function you would include all the
calls to add_db_table_editor

Custom Buttons

Buttons can be created by pushing functions into
DBTableEditor.extraButtons. Each of these is a slick grid
rowButtonFormatter and should return a string of html.

out += fn(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext);

The button column width can be set by setting:
DBTableEditor.buttonColumnWidth before the ready function is called

Hooks / Actions

  • db-table-editor_enqueue_scripts is an action that will be called
    after enqueueing all plugin scripts and before enqueueing jsFile
    (if it exists)

    function dbTableEditorScripts(){
    add_action('db-table-editor_enqueue_scripts', 'dbTableEditorScripts');

dbte_row_deleted, dbte_row_updated, dbte_row_inserted

Called after a row is deleted, updated, or inserted passes


add_action(‘dbte_row_deleted’, ‘my_dbte_row_deleted’, 10, 2);

function my_dbte_row_deleted($currentTable, $idRemoved){
// do things

add_action(‘dbte_row_updated’, ‘my_dbte_row_upserted’, 10, 4);
add_action(‘dbte_row_inserted’, ‘my_dbte_row_upserted’, 10, 4);

function my_dbte_row_upserted($currentTable, $values, $columns, $indexedModified){
// do things



You can use a shortcode to include a dbte interface on a wordpress
page. Please use with care.

[dbte id=table-editor-id] – (id defaults to table)


  • Dont put an editable table editor on your public facing screens using the shortcode!


Feel free to ask support questions / open trouble tickets

  • https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-db-table-editor
  • https://github.com/AccelerationNet/wp-db-table-editor/issues

Advanced Examples

Custom Javascript and Buttons on the table editor

See: examples/custom-buttons-and-js.php

Shows how to add custom javascript to a report page and adds a custom
load button on the grid

CF7 DB Submit Plugin integration

See: examples/cf7dbsubmit_integration.php

This is not a fully runnable example, but should give good examples of

  • working cf7dbsubmit plugin
  • Custom save delete hooks
  • custom complex sql building with this plugin
  • sending notifications on edit of specific fields

cf7dbsubmit stores its data in a “hashtable” format of:

form, submit_time, field_name, field_value

but we want to present this in a more excel fasion of each field being
a column of our spreadsheet and each row being a different submission

Contributers and Thanks

  • bobbysmith007 / Acceleration.net – Primary developer of plugin
  • nikomuse – i18n support


  1. Here's a screenshot of it in action

    Here’s a screenshot of it in action

Reviews & Comments