PayForce, Habilita PayPal Para Todas Las Monedas En La Pagina De Pago – Woocommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Keep PayPal visible on the payment page of WooCommerce, even if you browse the web with a currency that is not accepted by PayPal ’s Then when choosing PayPal, it automatically converts to a currency enabled to make the payment successful with PayPal.
Tu moneda no es aceptada y Paypal no aparece en la pagina de pago de WooCommerce?
En el ejemplo a continuación, vemos que UYU no es una moneda aceptada por Paypal, aun asi podemos ver Paypal como opción de pago.
Que hace PayForce Paypal Multi-Moneda?
Es una solución para tiendas WooCommerce que están trabajando con multiples monedas, inclusive las que no son aceptadas por Paypal para procesar pagos.
Entonces forzamos la visualización de Paypal en la pagina de pago, sin importar con que moneda esta navegando nuestro cliente.
Al seleccionar Paypal en la pagina de pago, convertimos automáticamente el total de la compra a USD (Moneda aceptada por Payapl)
What does, PayForce – Paypal Multi-currency
It is a solution for WooCommerce shops that are working with multiple currencies, including those that are not accepted by Paypal to process payments.
Then we force the Paypal display on the payment page, no matter what currency the customer is navigating.
By selecting Paypal on the payment page, we automatically convert the purchase total to USD (For example) Or another of the currencies accepted by PayPal. Just choose which of them in the PayPalForce settings.
Por Ejemplo:
Tenemos una tienda que trabaja con UYU (pesos uruguayos), ARS (pesos argentinos) y USD. La moneda utilizada por defecto es ARS.
Si el cliente navega la web en ARS, Pesos Argentinos o en UYU, Pesos Uruguayos (Monedas no aceptados por Paypal). Entonces en la pagina de pago (con PayForce instalado), aparecerá como opción de pago Paypal.
Al seleccionar PAYPAL para pagar, automaticamente convertimos a Dolares (Por Ejemplo) U otra de las monedas aceptados por PayPal. Solo elija cual de ellas en las configuraciones del PayPalForce , y permitimos finalizar la compra.
NOTA: Sin PayForce instalado, Paypal no estará visible en la pagina de pago.
Todo esto sucede sin refrescar toda la página. Sólo ocurre dentro del “marco” en los valores finales del checkout.
For example:
We have a shop that works with UYU (Uruguayan pesos), ARS (Argentine pesos) and USD. The default currency is ARS.
If the client browses the web in ARS, Argentine Pesos or UYU, Uruguayan Pesos (Currencies not accepted by Paypal). Then on the payment page (With PayForce installed), Will appear as payment option Paypal.
By selecting PAYPAL to pay, we automatically convert to Dollars, and allow the purchase to end.
NOTE: Without PayForce Plugin installed, Paypal will not be visible on the payment page.
All this happens without refreshing the entire page. It only occurs within the “frame” in the final values of the checkout.
It no longer depends on another currency converter plugin, you can switch to the currency of your choice, with your own conversion RATE. – But it also works with the currency switcher.
- WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher by Realmag777
- WPML Currency Switcher for Woocommerce
- Aelia Currency Switcher (It is no longer supported)
Version: 2.0 - 12/04/2019
[Improvement] Several corrections and new full code
[New] Use your own conversion RATE to pay with PayPal from an unsupported currency to a supported one.
[Change] It no longer works with Aelia
Version: 1.1 - 16/09/2016
Add support to WPML Currency Switcher
Add support to return the user selected currency when paypal is not selected
Version: 1.0 - 15/09/2016
Initial Release