Login Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Create easy custom login and registration plugin with this awesome WordPress login plugin. Use reCapctcha, pop-up and advanced design options.
Huge-IT has prepared an awesome plugin for managing and simplifying the process of registration and login to the website. If you have decided to have social website with a sign up ability the Login plugin may be used to let visitors enter in your dashboard using a simple and beautifully designed buttons, the Button opens a popup with a nice form which a user fills in and access to his/her account.
If your business is related with the community and your website is social, or you simply has other users in your wordpress, then the button LOG IN and SIGN UP will help your website users to easily login and have their own accounts in your site. Having an account in a website gives more advantages to authorized users. It can be the ability to have access to a new material/information/projects which are closed to unregistered users, as well as take part in the creation of topics, submitting comments, posting reviews and other available actions.
As the plugin is integrated with BuddyPress plugin, you can easily set up the desired page for the user account, and enable or disable some functions which BuddyPress provides.
Login plugin is set by using two shortcodes, which can have special attributes, for example – a simple shortcode to the LOGIN button has the form [hg-login-button] with additional attributes of the text=”Login” and show_menu=”yes” it is possible to change the label and make it possible to display the menu bar, so the shortcode gets this form [hg-login-button text=”Login” show_menu=”yes”]. Likewise, inserting a button for registration SIGN UP
The plugin is equipped with many style options as well as custom CSS codes which will help to make the Login neat and professional
The plugin has 4 sections:
- General section makes general changes on the plugin. With its help you can choose which page gets the user after log in or out of the system.
- Social part of the plugin gives the place to add the application ID and Secret codes to enable ability for sign up and login using facebook account
- Design section is for the working on the look of your login button and popup, the login and sign up popup includes Remember Me options, Forget Password, Name , additional name and design of the login and password fields. There may be performed changes from the color and font size, as well as special place for Custom CSS which will allow you to make desirable changes on it’s style.
- Security section is for the protection of your site from a spam and other harming bots, will add reCaptcha settings for the sign up, login and forgot password form.
The main features
- Auto Reply/ Notification
- Custom Shortcodes
- Gravatar Support
- Widget Support
- Style Options
- FaceBook Login
- Custom CSS Support
- Design Options (Pro)
- reCaptcha (Pro)
- Custom Login Menu (Pro)
Auto Reply/ Notification is a wonderful tool to keep users always informed of new activity by sending a notifications to a user email address this way won’t make them miss the news and replies. Auto Reply function may send confirmation messages after registration or forget password climes made by users.
Custom Shortcodes. The shortcode which adds the button for LOGIN and SIGN UP may have custom construction by having extra attributes in it, such as the text/label on the button using text=”Login” you may change the name with other name or other language, or using attribute show_menu=”yes/no” enable or disable the account menu.
Gravatar Support. The Login plugin is supported by a gravatar which is configured in account settings of WordPress, using gravatar you may add the image or integrate it from your Gravatar account.
Widget Support. Button for Login and Sign up may be placed on the widget area of your website on a sidebar, footer or header, by this way it will look compact and convenient for use.
Facebook Login. Login with facebook ability allows your site visitors to register through their social Facebook accounts. The Facebook login and sign up is set by creating a facebook application through https://developers.facebook.com/ after having Facebook app ID and Secret codes you enable the function in the popup.
Custom CSS Support. Plugin fully supports custom CSS ability for styling, which can be used in free version of the plugin. If you want to make it look perfect, add your custom codes and change the styles of almost every detail.
Style and Design Options. Professional version of the plugin provides more than 25 options for design available in the Design section of the plugin, which will help to match the style of buttons and popup window with the design of your website making it look better and be more professional to its visitors.
reCaptcha. The security keys from Google which will protects the website from harming programs and robots. The feature to add a reCaptcha widget is available in Pro version and is well known by many site owners.
Custom Login Menu is a pro feature adds the ability which allows to manage your login menu by changing the links of your account or adding new sections, the options are available under General settings.
If you think, that you found a bug in our WordPress Login plugin or have any question contact us at info@huge-it.com
WordPress Login – Login admin page
WordPress Login – Login admin page
WordPress Login – Login admin page