Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin allows you to embed custom payment forms created through into your WordPress site with a simple shortcode.
Configuration and Usage
To access configuration: Click the ‘CustomDonations’ item that appears on the WordPress menu after activation.
By default, the plugin will dynamically provide Custom Donations with a logged-in user’s WordPress ID number when they donate through a form on your site. This is so you can easily reconcile your donor records through our service. However, if you wish to fill in a different WordPress user field, the value can be changed from the dropdown menu. Otherwise, you may uncheck the check box to disable the option, and information for logged-in users will not be included in your Custom Donations form.
The ‘Account’ box allows you to fill your account ID so you do not need to have it filled within the shortcode on your site. Any values provided within the shortcode will take precedence over what you enter in this box.
Clicking ‘Save Settings’ will save the configuration.
To add a form to your site, add the following information from the Custom Donations site to your site in the following format:
[CustomDonations account="account-id-goes-here" form="form-id-goes-here" mode="live" allocation="optional"]
The value for allocation is optional and may be omitted from the shortcode if it doesn’t apply to your form. The value for ‘mode’ if you wish to test your form is ‘test’.