MFY Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description is like MailChimp for social messaging channels like FB Messenger. We connect to your existing email-based automation tool to deliver your newsletters or content updates to your subscribers right inside FB Messenger.
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This plugin provides two widgets you can install on your website to grow your FB audience.
Let’s your visitors chose to subscribe to your newsletters or content updates either in FB Messenger or using their email as usual. Encouraging users to subscribe using Messenger has a few advantages in our opinion:
Content as Conversation Starters: Your audience is more likely to engage in a conversation with you around your content if they receive your updates in a social messaging channel like FB Messenger. This creates more engagement from your audience
Better results for your campaign. Your content delivered in a more personalized channel like FB Messenger has an open rate of 56% to 80% and as much as 6x better click-through rates.
Increased Virality: In the past people used email forwards to share interesting content. Now-a-days they use social sharing. By using FB Messenger it’s very easy and natural for your users to share your content with their friends using the built-in share feature of FB Messenger. Thus your content has more potential to go viral.
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Add a free live chat widget to your website powered by FB Messenger. Any visitor who chats with you via mChat becomes your FB subscriber. And your replies after they leave your website are delivered to their FB Messenger inbox! As a creator or curator, engage in personal conversations with your visitors and increase their level of engagement with your online brand. Visitors who have a conversation with you are more likely to sign up for your newsletters or content updates and thus become your beloved audience.
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Get an email id for each of your FB subscriber that you can add to your existing email list tool like MailChimp, ConvertKit, AWeber etc. Emails that you send to these email-ids are automatically converted to a beautiful readable card inside FB Messenger inbox of your subscriber. To know more visit
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