Cloeve Mail Free Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Cloeve Mail Free Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description


  1. Download the plugin into your plugins directory
  2. Enable in the WordPress admin

Key Features

  • Add email input forms to any pages or posts with the simple shortcode [cloeve_mail]
  • Add as many input forms to a given page/post as you’d like, there is no limit
  • View list of emails and the source page where they were captured right in the WordPress admin dashboard
  • Export list of emails as a CSV at any time

Shortcode Options


This option is used to set the type of input form to display. There currently are 3 types:
[cloeve_mail type="1"] is a full width, optional color background, padded centered inline form
[cloeve_mail type="2"] is a full width form with a header title and paragraph
– default is a full width inline form


This option is used to set the height in px of input form to display. Example: [cloeve_mail height="45"]


This option is used with [cloeve_mail type="1"] to set the background color surrounding the input form to display. Example: [cloeve_mail type="1" bg_color="#ff0000"]


This option is used with [cloeve_mail type="2"] to set the header title above the input form to display. Example: [cloeve_mail type="2" action_title="Subscribe"]


This option is used with [cloeve_mail type="2"] to set the header paragraph above the input form to display. Example: [cloeve_mail type="2" action_paragraph="Enter your email below to receive all the latest features, updates, and news!"]


This option is used to set the placeholder text of input form to display. Example: [cloeve_mail placeholder="Email address"]


This option is used to set the text of input form button to display. Example: [cloeve_mail btn_label="Subscribe"]


This option is used to set the color of input form button to display. Example:[cloeve_mail btn_color="#ff0000"]


  • [cloeve_mail type="1" bg_color="#ff0000"]
  • [cloeve_mail type="2"]
  • [cloeve_mail btn_color="#ff0000" btn_label="Get Started!" placeholder="Email Address"]


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