WP Group Subscriptions Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
What is WP Group Subscription ?
WGS is a free and paid membership management solution designed from the outset to manage, in addition to traditional individual subscription, group membership registration into a single subscription.
Getting started
Once your plugin is installed and have configured it in settings, you still have a few steps to get started:
- Edit a first plan in Dashbord > Plans > New Plan and save it.
- Write inside a page or a post content the shortcode [wgs-plans][/wgs-plans] in order to display the plan on the front-end side.
- Inside an other page or post, wrap a content that should be visible only for wgs members by the shortcode [wgs-restricted][/wgs-restricted].
Now, a user can access to the plan thanks to the page with [wgs-plans], click on the “Sign up” button, follow all registration steps and after to log in, see the content wrapped by [wgs-restricted].
See about Premium features
- Plans management
- Members management
- Subscribers management
- Paypal payments management
- Currency
- Paypal
- Page Profile
- Quick display of plans on a page thanks the shortcode [wgs-plans][/wgs-plans]
- Automatic redirection on the right form (Single or Group Subscription)
- Paypal payment
- Login page
- Profile page
Security for forms
- Warning to advise administrator about enabling HTTPS for WS Form Pages
- Native client-side validation for inputs : patterns and lengths checking
- Server-side validation for inputs : patterns and lengths checking
- Repeat password
- Repeat email
- password hashing
plan editor admin page
subscriber editor admin page
member editor admin page
display of plans list
plan form
profile page