GeekyBot AI Chatbot Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

GeekyBot AI Chatbot Plugin Preview - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The ultimate AI chatbot for WooCommerce lead generation, intelligent content search, and interactive customer engagement on your WordPress website.

Top Features

  • WooCommerce Lead Generation: Streamline shopping experiences by allowing users to find products, explore variations, and add items to their cart directly through GeekyBot.
  • AI Chat: Customize interactions using slots and variables to dynamically capture and process user inputs.
  • Posts and Articles AI Search: Assist users in discovering relevant information within your blog posts or articles by searching or topics and displaying content as per user requests.
  • User Account Management: Provide support for password resets and username retrieval through GeekyBot’s intuitive interface.


AI Chat Conversations

GeekyBot supports advanced conversation handling through slots and variables. Define slots to capture specific user inputs dynamically and personalize interactions based on collected data.

WooCommerce Lead Generations

  • Find Products
    Users can search for products by name, category, or price range directly within the chat interface, enhancing browsing efficiency.

  • List Products
    GeekyBot lists products based on user preferences, displaying relevant items with detailed descriptions and pricing information.

  • Search Products
    GeekyBot helps users find products on your WordPress site based on name, attributes, keywords, and category. When users search for a product, GeekyBot displays relevant results matching their search criteria.

  • Multiple Variations/Variables Products
    Handle complex product queries effortlessly. GeekyBot understands and presents product variations, ensuring users find exactly what they need.

  • Add to Cart
    Enable seamless shopping experiences. Users can add products to their WooCommerce cart directly through GeekyBot, simplifying the checkout process.

Post and Page Search

  • Find in the Article/Post
    GeekyBot helps users find products and related articles on your WordPress site. When users search for a product, GeekyBot displays the product and suggests related articles or blog posts that may contain additional information or similar items.

  • Display Post
    GeekyBot fetches and displays complete posts or excerpts based on user queries, improving content accessibility and engagement.

User Account Management

  • Forgot Username & Password
    Assist users in retrieving forgotten usernames or resetting passwords securely through GeekyBot’s user-friendly interface.

  • Reset Password
    Provide step-by-step instructions for users to reset their passwords directly through GeekyBot, ensuring a smooth recovery process.


  • Intuitive Interface
    We know you love simplicity. That’s why we crafted a user-friendly interface that you can master faster than a Jedi learns to wield a lightsaber. Skip the learning curve and focus on the important stuff.

  • Customization
    Make GeekyBot your own! Customize the live chat widget to fit your website’s style. Choose your colors, add a background, change the widget position, and tweak other settings until it matches your design perfectly.

  • Easy Installation
    With GeekyBot’s free live chat plugin, installing it is as quick and easy as a few clicks. In just minutes, you’ll be ready to engage with your customers via live chat or our super-smart chatbots.

  • Chat with Visitors 24/7, Even While You Sleep
    GeekyBot works tirelessly around the clock, ensuring you’re always available to chat with visitors. Even when you’re catching some Z’s, GeekyBot is there, keeping the conversation going.

  • Convert Them into Paying Customers
    GeekyBot isn’t just about chatting; it’s about results. Turn casual visitors into loyal, paying customers with engaging and personalized interactions that guide them through your sales funnel.

  • Generate & Qualify Your Leads on Autopilot
    Let GeekyBot handle the heavy lifting. It identifies, collects, and qualifies leads automatically, so you can focus on closing deals and growing your business.

  • Engage Your Visitors and Collect Critical Feedback
    Interaction is key. GeekyBot engages visitors in meaningful conversations, collecting valuable feedback that can help you improve your products, services, and overall customer experience.

  • Guide and Educate Your Customers with Interactive FAQ
    Empower your customers with knowledge. GeekyBot provides instant answers through an interactive FAQ, helping users find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

  • Interact with Each and Every Website Visitor
    No visitor left behind. GeekyBot ensures that every single website visitor receives personalized attention, making them feel valued and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  • Automate Your Customer Support 100%
    Say goodbye to repetitive tasks. GeekyBot automates your customer support, handling common queries and issues, so your team can focus on more complex problems and strategic tasks.

One-Click Functionality

  • GeekyBot Integration: Seamlessly integrate GeekyBot with your WordPress site with just one click.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Enable GeekyBot for WooCommerce products with a single click.
  • Post Availability: Make GeekyBot available across your WordPress posts for seamless user interaction.

Some Other Characteristics

Easy Setup
GeekyBot requires no programming. Its no-code setup allows the AI to learn everything it needs upon installation.

Generative AI
GeekyBot’s AI technology creates unique and relevant responses to user inquiries. It instantly ingests all your site content and product data, so customers can get answers quickly.

Natural Language Processing
GeekyBot’s NLP AI allows for natural topic switching among responses. Switch seamlessly between Scripted NLP AI and Generative AI to control responses.

Abandoned Cart
Notify customers of abandoned items in their cart and incomplete checkouts.

Order Status
Answer the common question, “Where’s my order?” by providing order status and tracking information.

Engagement Question Module
Create branching conversations to answer customer questions and overcome sales obstacles.

Page Targeting
Engage visitors with the right questions at the right time in their sales journey.

Reporting and Insights
Identify obstacles preventing purchases, such as site bugs or confusing processes, and gather shopping behavior metrics.

Awesome Support
We’re committed to your satisfaction. Contact us anytime with questions.

Some Bonus Engagement Tools
Includes Live Chat, LeadBot, Exit Popups, Mobile Banners, Lead & Offer Sliders, and more.

Language Support

Works with Any Language
GeekyBot supports any language, with multiple language support available with the GeektBot Pro Master license.

Advanced Language Center
Edit and customize every GeekyBot response, system language, stop words, and info messages through the Advanced Language Center.

Editable Stop Words Dictionary
An included stop words dictionary that admins can edit. GeekyBot will automatically exclude these words from search criteria and chat commands.

Multiple Response Variations
Add multiple variations of GeekyBot responses for each node. These responses are used randomly to create more human-like interactions.

Translation Files Included
mo/pot files are included so you can translate the backend to any language.

RTL Support
Right-to-left (RTL) language support is available.For further information, support, and updates, please visit our site(


If you find GeekyBot helpful and wish to support its development, please consider making a donation through our donation page.

Special Thanks

We would like to extend our special thanks to the GeekyBot Chatbot development team for their hard work and dedication in creating this powerful chatbot solution.

Privacy notices

If you activate certain features in this plugin, the user’s personal data, including their IP address, may be sent to the service provider. Thus, confirming the provider’s privacy policy is recommended. These features include:

  • Font Awesome (


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