Retack AI Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Retack AI Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Retack Logging Plugin helps you log and track errors in your WordPress site by sending them to Retack. It captures PHP errors, database errors, and JavaScript errors and logs them into the Retack system for further analysis.


– Logs PHP, database, and JavaScript errors.
– Sends error details to an external API.
– Easy configuration with API key settings.


  1. After activation, go to “Settings > Retack” in the WordPress admin.
  2. Enter your API key and save the settings.

A brief Markdown Example

Here’s a link to WordPress and one to Markdown’s Syntax Documentation.

Ordered list:

  1. Logs PHP errors.
  2. Captures database errors.
  3. Tracks JavaScript errors.

Unordered list:

– Sends error details to Retack API.
– Easy integration with WordPress settings.
– Supports error logging for enhanced debugging.

3rd Party Service Disclosure

This plugin relies on the Retack service to log and track errors. When errors occur, the plugin sends error details to the Retack API for monitoring.

Please be aware that by using this plugin, error data will be transmitted to the Retack service for monitoring, tracking and processing.


  1. Retack API key.

    Retack API key.

  2. Settings page where you can enter your API key.

    Settings page where you can enter your API key.

  3. Error logs sent to the Retack platform.

    Error logs sent to the Retack platform.

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