Law 1901 Association Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Law 1901 Association Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin is made mainly for french associations, because of the french 1901 law. Feel free to contact me if you think your contry have the same kind of need and I should make some adjustments for it.
This plugin allow to handle association members by customizing the registration fields to avoid needing an additional listing. It also allows to keep track of the subscriptions.
Note: This plugin will make use of the ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin and will also contact my server to check for news about add-ons.

En français (in french):
Ce plugin permet de gérer les membres d’une association en personnalisant les champs d’inscription pour éviter d’avoir besoin d’un listing supplémentaire. Il permet également de suivre les cotisations.
Notes : Le plugin ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) est nécessaire pour le bon fonctionnement de ce plugin. Ce plugin contactera également mon serveur pour vérifier les nouvelles concernant les add-ons.


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