ScanForPay – Alipay & AlipayHK & WechatPay Payment Solutions For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

ScanForPay – Alipay & AlipayHK & WechatPay Payment Solutions For WooCommerce Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

ScanForPay為使用WooCommerce的香港商戶提供Alipay、AlipayHK、WechatPay的收款服務, 並同時支持PC和移動端.
We provide a service to make your store accept Alipay, AlipayHK and WechatPay. And our plugin can be used both on PC or mobile.

To your customers:
They can pay with mainland Alipay(RMB) or AlipayHK(HKD) when shopping in your store.

To you:
HongKong Dollars will be settled to your bank account.


Why choose us?

  • 同時支持內地和香港支付寶,Wechat收款, 無須開多個帳戶, 擴大您的客人範圍.
  • 免費開通, 沒有安裝費、月費、年費等費用.
  • 支付寶結算週期T+2, 微信結算週期T+3,方便您的資金流動.
  • ScanForPay是支付寶、微信官方授權的ISV(技術服務商), 可以為您訂製更多的個性化需求

  • Expand your business by accepting Alipay, AlipayHK and WechatPay with only one account, one plugin.

  • Open an account for free. No installation fee, monthly fee or annual fee will be charged.
  • The settlement period for Alipay is T+2, for Wechat is T+3.
  • ScanForPay is the ISV of Alipay, WechatPay, we can provide other customized services.


How to Use

  • 在使用插件前您需要先申請一個商戶帳號, 您可以訪問我們的網站, 也可以直接通过电话联系我们.
  • 當您申請好帳戶後, 安裝此插件, 並將我們給您的商戶id, partnerNo等填入對應的設置裡, 就可以立即開始使用了.

  • Before using our plugin, first you need to apply for the account. You can visit our website, or contact us by phone.

  • When you get your account, install the plugin and fill in the right informations, then you can start to use it.


如何讓你的WordPress WooCommerce店铺使用支付寶、微信收款?

聯絡電話(tel): (852)-81207808

开通商户版账户后, 您还可以获得其他功能

You can get these by getting an account

  • 實體門店掃碼支付
  • 實體門店商戶二維碼支付
  • 線上商店的支付寶、微信網關, 幫助您各種形式的網店接入支付寶、微信
  • ScanForPay為您提供的收款App, PC端管理台, 方便您收款, 查帳等.

  • Collect money by scanning customers’ Qrcode.

  • Collect money by displaying a merchant Qrcode to customers.
  • Payment gateway for online shop.
  • ScanForPay Apps to manage orders.


  1. 您開啟插件後, 可以在WooCommerce的支付配置中找到ScanForPay

    您開啟插件後, 可以在WooCommerce的支付配置中找到ScanForPay

  2. ScanForPay的設置界面


  3. 下單頁面可以選擇Alipay、Alipay、WechatPay進行支付


  4. 進入二維碼支付頁面, 用支付寶掃碼支付

    進入二維碼支付頁面, 用支付寶掃碼支付

  5. 進入二維碼支付頁面, 用微信掃碼支付

    進入二維碼支付頁面, 用微信掃碼支付

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