WaXu Payment Gateway Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Ce plugin vous permet d’intégrer le paiement en ligne sur vos sites WordPress via Mobile Money et par cartes bancaires VISA,MasterCard,AMEX,etc…
WaXu a également un porte-monnaie électronique rechargeable via les solutions Mobile Money.
Télécharger WaXu sur Google PlayStore.
Disponibilité :
BENIN ( Moov Money, MTN Mobile Money)
BURKINA (Orange Money, MobiCsah)
MALI (Orange Money, MobiCsah)
BURKINA FASO (Orange Money)
COTE D’IVOIRE(Orange Money,Moov Money, MTN MoMo)
SENENGAL(Orange Money,Free Money, E-Money)
CAMEROUN(Orange Money, MTN MoMo)
For using WaXu , go to www.waxu.app/partenaires and register for your merchant account.
This plugin allows you to recieve payments from your client who use Mobile Money and payment cards (VISA,MasterCard,AMEX).
WaXu has a Wallet in a mobile App which allows refilling through Mobile Money.
Download WaXu on Google PlayStore.
Service availability:
BENIN ( Moov Money, MTN Mobile Money)
BURKINA (Orange Money, MobiCsah)
MALI (Orange Money, MobiCsah)
BURKINA FASO (Orange Money)
COTE D’IVOIRE(Orange Money,Moov Money, MTN MoMo)
SENENGAL(Orange Money,Free Money, E-Money)
CAMEROUN(Orange Money, MTN MoMo)
WebSite : https://waxu.app
Activate WaXu in WooCommerce Settings
Settings for API Key and API service
Incoming payment
Payment done