Microtango Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Microtango WP integration. Requires subscription from DMS. Will include the Microtango REST API to show your cloud data.
Features include:
- Install four shortcodes: mt_courses, mt_reservation, mt_video and mt_form.
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP2″]
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP2″ orderby=”StartWeekday, Name”]
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP1″]Kursname|{{Subject}} ({{Name}})#Tag / Zeit|{{StartWeekdayText}} {{Timespan}}#Startdatum|{{StartDateText}}#|{{AttendButton}}[/mt_courses]
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP1″]Kursname|{{Subject}} ({{Name}})#1. Termin|{{DatesText.[0]}}#2. Termin|{{DatesText.[1]}}#3. Termin|{{DatesText.[2]}}#|{{AttendButton}}[/mt_courses][mt_reservation]
[mt_video videogroup=”GK”]
mt_courses parameter:
- mtattendform (optional): If set, the mt build form will be used fo attendance. Possible values: popup (default) or standalone
- webcategory (optional): Webcategory filter
- orderby (optional): Order of results
- template (optional): 1-9, select one of the additional templates
- templateid (optional): Id of html template
- category (optional): Category filter
- attendurl: Url for the attend form
Content [mt_courses] … [/mt_courses]: The content of the courses table in the format Column title | {{FieldName}}#Column title | {{FieldName}}
FieldName: Values from microtango rest API (https://api.microtango.de/swagger -> RESTCourseModel). Possible values:
* Id: adea471d-d109-416f-9638-5362b490b37a
* Season: 21-1
* Name: 3TK-06
* Subject: Paare Tanzkreis Fr
* StartDate: 2021-01-01T00:00:00
* StartDateText: 01.01.2021
* StartTime: 20:30:00
* StartTimeText: 20:30
* StartWeekday: 5
* StartWeekdayText: Freitag
* StartMonthText: Januar
* EndDate: 2021-12-24T00:00:00
* EndDateText: 24.12.2021
* EndTime: 21:30:00
* EndTimeText: 21:30
* EndWeekday: 5
* EndWeekdayText: Freitag
* EndMonthText: Dezember
* Timespan: 20:30 – 21:30
* Length: 1 Stunde
* TimeCondition: wöchentlich 1 Stunde
* Price: 0
* PriceClub: 35
* PriceText: 35,00
* PriceTextFull: 35,00 € monatlich
* HallName: Großer Saal
* HallAddress: Testweg 1, 12345 Musterhausen
* TeacherName: Dr. Sch. Nitzel
* AssistantName: Ein Name
* ProgramName: Grundkurs 1
* Category: GK
* WebCategory: Grundkurs1
* Availability: G, Y or R
* AvailabilityText: Plätze verfügbar, Wenig Plätze verfügbar, Ausgebucht
* RepeatCount: 12
* SkipDays: 7
* WebNotes: Sonstige Informationen
* AttendFormShowPartner: true
* AttendFormShowLegalGuardian: false
* FreeText1, FreeText2, FreeText3, FreeText4, FreeText5, FreeText6, FreeText7, FreeText8, FreeText9
* DatesText.[x]: 04.05.2023 (x= 0 – RepeatCount)
* Dates.[x]: 2023-05-04T18:00:00 (x= 0 – RepeatCount)
Special fields:
* Attend: Attend: Generate attend link
* AttendButton: Generate attend button with booked information
* ScheduleInfo: Popup with timetable
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP2″]
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP2″ orderby=”StartWeekday, Name”]
[mt_courses webcategory=”WTP1″]Kursname|{{Subject}}{{Name}}#Tag / Zeit|{{StartWeekdayText}} {{Timespan}}#Startdatum|{{StartDateText}}#|{{Attend}}[/mt_courses]
Will show the online reservation form for customers.
Will show the available videos for customers.
[mt_video videogroup=”GK”]
[mt_video videogroup=”GK”, videoPublic=true]
mt_form parameter:
- restkey: Microtango REST Key
- formid (optional): The id of the form to use (Default: The form direct before [mt_form])
- redirecturl: Url to redirect to, after the form post. Build a nice “We received your registration” page here.
- testmode (optional): If true, no registration, instead we return the mapped values as a html page.
Content [mt_form] … [/mt_form]: The fieldmapping in the format RESTApi field=Form field name#RESTApi field=Form field name
Form field name: Use Browser F12 tools
RESTApi field: Values from microtango rest API (https://api.microtango.de/swagger -> OnlineRegistrationModel). Possible values:
Season, SeasonID, Course, CourseID: Will be set by the api in hidden fields
FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender, Street, Street2, ZIPCode, City, Birthday, Phone, Cell, EMail, AccountOwner, IBAN, BIC, Notes, PartnerFirstname, PartnerMiddlename, PartnerLastname, PartnerGender, PartnerStreet, PartnerStreet2, PartnerZIPCode, PartnerCity, PartnerBirthday, PartnerPhone, PartnerCell, PartnerEMail, PartnerAccountOwner, PartnerIBAN, PartnerBIC, PartnerNotes
[mt_form restkey=”ABCDEFGH” redirecturl=”/” testmode=”true”]subject=wpforms[fields][3]#course=wpforms[fields][4]#firstname=wpforms[fields][0][first]#lastname=wpforms[fields][0][last]#email=wpforms[fields][1][/mt_form]