Timeless Component Builder Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
![Timeless Component Builder Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download](https://wp-plugins-directory.com/wp-content/uploads/This-plugin-does-not-have-a-preview-image.jpg)
Plugin Description
This plugin will help developer to build component in minimum amount of time.
This plugin based on some wordpress core function like : add_filter , meta box , Custom post type.
thats why you can consider this plugin is a timeless plugin, because i dont think WordPress going to replace
this function in the feature release.
How to use
How to Create Component:
There are Only 2 step you have to follow to create a component, which is
1. Create Component by registering Component Fields.
2. Create Component Rendering Template (a .php file, you can use HTML markup there too)
Step 1:
To Create a component Field first you have to define a function with any name you want.
Then you need to add those function in a filter hook, name —- tcb__fileds —–
function banner_fields($arr){
$arr[‘banner’] = [
‘type’ => ‘text’,
‘field’ => ‘title’,
‘label’ => __(‘Banner Title’, ‘tcb’),
‘columns’ => ’12’,
‘type’ => ‘textarea’,
‘field’ => ‘detail’,
‘label’ => __(‘Banner detail’, ‘tcb’),
‘columns’ => ’12’,
return $arr;
add_filter( ‘tcb__fields’, ‘banner_fields’ );
Step 2:
Create a template file (.php) at the location ” activated-theme/tcb/component-{$component-category}.php”
In the template file you just have to call a function to receive the user input data.
eg: $component_data = tcb_data();
After that all the user provided data will store in the $component_data variable as array.
Now you can use the data as per your template need.
Isn’t that simple ?
For Example full Documentation :
Please Visit: Plugin Landing Page
How to use a component
- From Dashboard, go to Component->Add New
- Give a name and Select the Component Type/Category and publish/update the component post.
- You will find Component Related field with the component will be available below the title, user can provide the necessary data in the field and update the component post.
- Copy the shortcode and use it where you want to render/view the component.
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