PM Plus Minus AJAX Cart Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Plus Minus AJAX Add to Cart Button is a WooCommerce add-on that provides an AJAX-powered add-to-cart button with plus-minus quantity controls. The plugin offers flexibility with Global cart replacement features and a Shortcode generator for more advanced use cases.
Features Include:
* AJAX-based cart updates: No page reload required when adjusting product quantities.
* Dynamic replacement: Replace default WooCommerce add-to-cart buttons with custom buttons globally or on selected pages.
* Easy shortcode implementation: Use [pmatc_ajax_cart_button]
to add custom buttons to any product page or archive.
* Flexible quantity display: Choose between an input field or simple text display for product quantities.
* Customizable design: Customize the color, size, and icons for the add and remove buttons through the settings.
* CSS Updater: Provides customizable CSS fields for personalizing button styles.
* Supports multiple product types: Compatible with simple, variable, external, and grouped products.
* Settings Page: Accessible under WooCommerce > Settings > PM Ajax Cart.
Here is the full shortcode:
[pmatc_ajax_cart_button quantity_type=”input” plus_button_text=”+” minus_button_text=”-” button_bg_color=”#049f56″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” variable_product_text=”Select Variable” external_product_text=”View Product” grouped_product_text=”View Group”]