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Plugin Description
Container Features:
- Support for wide and full alignment
- Insert any number of columns, reorder and remove columns
- Define background image and background position
- Enable background parallax scrolling (and disable parallax for medium and small resolutions if desired)
- Set background color (also with opacity)
- Columns can be aligned vertically and horizontally
- Add top/bottom and left/right padding to the container
- By default, columns have left/right margin that can be disabled
- Top/bottom margin for columns can be enabled in order to set equal spacing for columns if they take more than one row
Column Features:
- Fully responsive: define column width for large, medium and small screen resolutions
- Define background image and background position
- Set background color (also with opacity)
- Define top, bottom, left and right padding for the column
- Set a number to order the column, the order can be reset for medium and small resolutions