Monkey Budget Planner Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Plugin Description
Monkey Budget Planner is a simple and unique tool that allows you to input your Incoming Finances and add all your outgoings, you can add as many as you like, its unlimited!
You will then be presented with a calculation of your total Annual Incomings and your Total Annual Outgoings.
You can then filter this to see your Monthly, Fortnightly or even Weekly incoming/outgoings.
You can then print or email the results to yourself! Simple!
Use the Monkey Budget planner as an exciting tool to drive traffic to your website through a socail network/email campaign. Users will love using the Monkey Budget Planner on your website!
Plugin Settings
The Monkey Budget Planner is easily installed in your WordPress Website and allows you to customise your Budget Planner in any color you like, its unlimited!
You can also edit the Budget Planner Heading, Call it anything you like! You can also mange your currency Icon from within this section also, simply type in your preferred currecy option and it will display throughout the Budget Planner.
This plugin require Bootstrap in order to function correctly. If your theme has bootstrap already, you can disable the plugin bootstrap version of bootstrap in the plugin settings.
This plugin conflicts with Divi Theme
Thanks for checking it out!
Updated with Local Storage. All values are now stored in users browser local storage. So they can now leave their session, close their browser and come back later to complete their finance.
Updated mobile optimisation and mobile styles