HelpForShopping Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

HelpForShopping Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Unlock personalized assistance and expert guidance to help customers find their favorite products.

Turn your visitors into satisfied customers. Help them find the ideal product for their needs with a tailored, human-centered user experience.
Gather insights and valuable information about your customers, their purchase intent and journey on your website.

Every visitor that reaches your shop has a long, intricate journey to travel before reaching his (and your goal), purchasing the best product for themselves.
With HelpForShopping chat system, you can greatly reduce their effort, making the whole process simpler, making it feel natural.
Clear doubts, shorten the customer journey, increase the momentum towards the purchase and increase your conversion rate.

HelpForShopping is more than a live-chat. Along with our widget and access to the dedicated backoffice, you can opt to allow our own product experts to help your customers finding what they are looking for.
Right on your online shop. Our experts are people passionate and experienced in several product categories.
They are like the friend you may ask for help to pick the right product for you.
They can guide your customers, making life much easier for them, and at the same time, increase your conversion rate, average cart value and improve their shopping experience on your website.

Features Description


  • 1 Agent
  • 300 chats/month
  • See what Visitors are watching
  • Engage Visitors from the Opportunities Tab
  • Engage Visitors with Automatic Messages
  • Browse and Suggest Products Directly from the Backoffice
  • Quick reply to Visitors Questions with Custom FAQs
  • Allow Visitors to Retrieve Previous Chats and Suggested Products
  • Track Customers Satisfaction
  • Track Sales
  • Quick Overview Dashboard
  • Detailed Analytics
  • Unlimited Conversation History
  • Basic Support
  • Integrated with WooCommerce
  • Integrated HelpCenter


  • Unlimited Chats
  • From 1 to Unlimited Agents Accounts
  • Scalable Price
  • Get All the Free Plan Offers
  • Premium Prioritary Support
  • Define the Product Category each Agent is requested for
  • Monitor Agents Performance


  • All the features from the selected plan +
  • Premium Prioritary Support
  • HelpForShopping Product Experts Available on Your Website
  • Experts Performance Tracking
  • Serve Your Visitors Beyond Regular Working Hours
  • Visitors can Switch Experts During Chat

Installation and Setup

Free and Growth Plans

  1. Download and Install the Plugin from your WordPress Admin area
  2. Go to HelpForShopping Pricing Page and activate a Starter or Growth Plan
  3. Follow the instructions until you reach the login page
  4. Login with the email and password created
  5. On the menu on the left, scroll down and click on “Client Profile”
  6. Fill the fields and Save
  7. After the “Name” field you see a key, copy it
  8. Go to your WooCommerce section on the left vertical menu of the WordPress admin area
  9. Paste the Key you just copied from the HelpForShopping backoffice and Save changes
  10. Download and Install the free plugin “Product Feed Pro”
  11. On the left menu in the WordPress admin area, click on Product Feed Pro and then on Create Feed if the interface does not open by itself.
  12. Use the general settings, select as Channel “Google Shopping”, as File Format “XML” and as Refresh interval “Daily”. Change the name of the project and country to the desired ones.
  13. In the field mapping setting, make sure that the Google Shopping Attribute “g:google_product_category” is set as “Category” in the Value Column, the required fields are: g:id = Product Id / g:title = Product Name / g:description = Product description / g:link = Link / g:image_link = Main image / g:availability = Availability / g:price = Price / g:google_product_category = Category / g:product_type = Category (not used for mapping) / g:condition = Condition / g:item_group_id = Item group ID
  14. Map each category of your shop to the Google Shopping Feed ones. While entering the category the form field acts as a quick search, to make it easier to find what you are looking for.
  15. Do not add any Feed filters and rules
  16. Disable Google Analytics Tracking and Save the feed
  17. In Product Feed Pro ==> Manage Feed, click on the “Download” icon
  18. Copy the url showing in the browser
  19. Go back to your dashboard on HelpForShopping Web App
  20. Click on “Catalog” in the left menu, then make sure the “Link” tab is selected and then paste the url you copied at step 18 into the “url” field. Click Save.
  21. If the catalog is loaded successfully a window opens in the interface allowing you to check the products included
  22. On HelpForShopping Web App go on the menu on the left at the section “Agents”
  23. Create one or more agents, according to the number picked in the selected plan

For Free plans:
24. When ready, logout from the client profile and log into the Agent profile (or log in from a private-tab on your browser)

For Growth plans:
24. Communicate login credentials to the agents so that they can login here

Experts Addon

  1. Download and Install the Plugin from your WordPress Admin area
  2. Go to HelpForShopping and register by requesting a demo, filling the form and clicking on Submit
  3. Get login credentials and enter your backoffice area here
  4. On the menu on the left, scroll down and click on “Client Profile”
  5. Fill the fields and Save
  6. After the “Name” field you see a key, copy it
  7. Go to WooCommerce section on the left vertical menu
  8. Paste the Key you just copied from the HelpForShopping backoffice and Save changes.
  9. Download and Install the free plugin “Product Feed Pro”
  10. On the left menu in the WordPress admin area, click on Product Feed Pro and then on Create Feed if the interface does not open by itself.
  11. Use the general settings, select as Channel “Google Shopping”, as File Format “XML” and as Refresh interval “Daily”. Change the name of the project and country to the desired ones.
  12. In the field mapping setting, make sure that the Google Shopping Attribute “g:google_product_category” is set as “Category” in the Value Column, the required fields are: g:id = Product Id / g:title = Product Name / g:description = Product description / g:link = Link / g:image_link = Main image / g:availability = Availability / g:price = Price / g:google_product_category = Category / g:product_type = Category (not used for mapping) / g:condition = Condition / g:item_group_id = Item group ID
  13. Map each category of your shop to the Google Shopping Feed ones. While entering the category the form field acts as a quick search, to make it easier to find what you are looking for.
  14. Do not add any Feed filters and rules
  15. Disable Google Analytics Tracking and Save the feed
  16. In Product Feed Pro ==> Manage Feed, click on the “Download” icon
  17. Copy the url showing in the browser
  18. Go back to your dashboard on HelpForShopping Web App
  19. Click on “Catalog” in the left menu, then make sure the “Link” tab is selected and then paste the url you copied at step 18 into the “url” field. Click Save.
  20. If the catalog is loaded successfully a window opens in the interface allowing you to check the products included

3rd Party Service Dependency

This plugin relies on a 3rd party service, HelpForShopping, to function properly. The service is used to allow the widget to load and connect with WooCommerce, this is require to allow your agents and/or HelpForShopping Experts (in case you opt for the addon) to talk with users on the website.

How the Service is Used

The plugin interacts with HelpForShopping under the following circumstances:

  • Widget loading The plugin allows the widget to load on the WordPress website pages.
  • Ordered Product Retrieval The plugin gathers ordered items information at order confirmation and sends the information to HelpForShopping.
  • Registration: The service is used to authenticate users when they register and authenticate them when they log in.
  • Processing: The service handles [specific types of processing, e.g., payments, image processing, etc.].

Please note that to use this plugin, you must have an active account with HelpForShopping and obtain the necessary API credentials.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

By using this plugin, you agree to the terms and conditions of HelpForShopping.

It’s important to review these documents to understand how your data will be handled by the service.


  1. Chat Sections of the backoffice, see the history of all chats occurred.

    Chat Sections of the backoffice, see the history of all chats occurred.

  2. Communications Section example.

    Communications Section example.

  3. Client's Dashboard with detailed information and KPIs.

    Client’s Dashboard with detailed information and KPIs.

  4. Experts' Section with Expert's list and stats

    Experts’ Section with Expert’s list and stats

  5. FAQ editing menu

    FAQ editing menu

  6. Invoices Section (for Experts' Addon users)

    Invoices Section (for Experts’ Addon users)

  7. Payments Section (for Experts' Addon users)

    Payments Section (for Experts’ Addon users)

  8. Products Catalog Section

    Products Catalog Section

  9. Revenues Section with details of conversion occurred and best agents/experts

    Revenues Section with details of conversion occurred and best agents/experts

  10. Support Section

    Support Section

Reviews & Comments