Polyscripting Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
The Polyscripting plugin requires users to atleast have a Polyscript-able WordPress image for compatablity. The plugin opens a line of communication
allowing site admins to perform critical tasks, such as updates, by merely navigating to the plug-in(either throuhg the plugin tab or other custom
options which the user may set) and simply disabling Polyscripting. Once said task is completed, re-Polyscripting the site is as simple as clicking
the Scramble button. Note that there will be a few minutes delay from the time any operation(scramble, unscramble, rescramble) is commenced and when
the corresponding changes take place; During this delay it is highly recommended not to make any updates or major changes to the site.
Further reading:
https://polyverse.com/products/php-security-polyscripting/ : All relevant Polyscripting information for PHP including demos, install guides, and white papers
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