Awesome Media Gallery Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
An elegant, robust and customizable php framework for any media sharing community. Give your members the power to share collections of photos, images, videos, songs, and other audio with one another.
This version is a Wordpress Plugin that can be easily installed on any Wordpress Site! For the stand-alone PHP Script, click here.
Why the Low Rating?
Many people have been upset that this plugin does fully hook up into their Wordpress database, which is understandable. In version 1, this plugin helped anyone get AMG up and running on their Wordpress site, yet site admins had to switch between WP-Admin and the Mokoala CMS to manage AMG. Now the AMG admin panel is within WP-Admin. Also in version 2, I have made a few important changes to the way members authenticate with a Wordpress site. Included is a plugin called ‘oAuth Provider’, which enables your WP members to sign into AMG using their existing WP accounts. Although you have to keep managing AMG separately from WP, your users will not know the difference, and you can now easily charge members for access to AMG if you configure your WP site with the right payment plugin. With this new version, you can also post from AMG to WP, which can help build your site content. I hope this new version helps you achieve your desired outcome, and if you enjoy this Plugin please REVIEW IT and help it get a better rating on Code Canyon! I’ve also added 100s of new features that cannot be found elsewhere – so please enjoy, thank you!
- AMG Settings Panel now within WP-Admin
- WP Users can now easily authenticate with AMG
- Easily setup up a user payment system between AMG and WP
- Seamless transition between WP and AMG for users
- AMG media can also be auto-posted to WP
AMG Demo
AMG Admin Demo
Admin Dashboard demo (The API Keys settings section is hidden.)
AMG Documentation
The Best Image, Video, and Audio Script
If you’re searching for the best social media community framework available to build your dream audio, video, and photo site, then look no further because this is it. The code I’ve assembled contains the latest, most advanced scripts around, and once you get the hang of the customized Mokoala CMS and the front-end framework, it’ll blow your mind! You’ll save thousands of work-hours. Ultimately, I hope that you will use this script to build awesome online communities.
Version 2.0
The difference between AMG V1.0 and V2.0 is night and day. Version 2 has been completely gutted and rebuilt. There are over 100 new options and features to help you easily customize the look and feel of your gallery.
Who Needs This Framework?
This php application can be added to any existing website, or used as the center-piece of a new website. The application can be useful for photography clubs, modelling agencies, DJs, fashionistas, art and music communities, graphic design portals, food and recipe sites, tourism, memes, and many other types of communities. This framework resembles,, and, however it is a standalone application that you can adapt for any purpose imaginable.
Some Highlighted Features
- Super Easy Installation and Setup.
- Use social login features from Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Wordpress. Twitter is coming soon.
- Supports Videos from YouTube, Vine, and Vimeo.
- Supports Audio from Soundcloud. Bandcamp is coming soon.
- Works with Animated Gifs.
- Each user has their own vanity url, including custom avatars, and editable profile fields, that can be imported from social networks.
- In-depth User Statistics: including Total Images, Followers, Following, Favourites, Views, Fan Favourites, Fan Views and Fan Comments.
- Lots of AJAX = Fewer page reloads.
- Really cool modal pop-ups, with 18 different effects (those are new!).
- Drag and drop file uploads.
- Lots of advertising spaces and banner options. (468×60, 728×90, 970×90, 980×120, 160×600, 300×250, 242×90)
- Advanced Stylesheet using LESS CSS. It’s now VERY easy to completely change every color, shadow, border, and effect in the site.
- Built on the Yahoo CSS Pure framework, and supports Bootstrap.
- 100% Optimized for SEO with semantical HTML and CSS.
- Equipped with the latest Open Graph tags and various Twitter card types.
- 100% Responsive on Desktop, Tablets, and Mobile devices. Upload from any device that supports file uploads.
- Revamped Mokoala CMS.
Some New Features in V2
- Users can be forced to signup and pay via Wordpress. Setup a wordpress site to collect payments and you can charge members for viewing or using your gallery!
- Unlimited custom galleries with any number of columns.
- Now supports unlimited languages easily. English, French and Spanish translations are included!
- Now Supports Masonry Grid layout.
- Includes a customizable RSS Feed
- AMG can automatically post to any Wordpress site!
- AMG can automatically post to your Facebook Fan Page! Everytime someone shares media it will show up on your Facebook Fan Page too!
- Guest Liking and Commenting is supported
- Media Item Approvals can be enabled, and media items can be easily approved in bulk from the front end.
- User Approvals can be enabled
- Supports Infinite scroll, load more button, or individual page numbers
- Show EXIF data
- Enable/Disable Individual Profile Options
- Added OWL Carousel 2 for displaying media or member avatars. Tons of options for customization!
- Added a Slider that can support custom links and animate.css effects
- Supports a custom Header Banner
- Supports sticky menu placed above or below the header
- Modify all site colors and styles from a set of LESS Variables. It’s simple and easy!
- Supports Soundcloud audio!
- Includes Full Screen Mode
- Select from different like icons and loading gifs
- Automatically censors bad words!
- Enable a cookie notification at the bottom of screen for EU websites
- Members can send each other emails directly from their profiles
- Images can be cropped from the top to better show faces with fixed thumbnail sizes
- Now Supports Front End editing with iPhone and iPad, or any mobile device
- Supports Watermarks and it shows a notice when watermark mode is enabled
- Improved fancybox/lightbox integration
- Backups module included
- Send mass emails to different member groups
Designed for Media Sharing Communities
100% Mobile Responsive
AMG gives you two options, display the site in responsive mode (without pinching and zooming), or display it without responsive mode which looks like desktop mode with pinching and zooming enabled. Most devices can upload images and share video and audio links too! See the full list here.
Supports Watermarks
Add a watermark to all uploaded images. Choose the size and where it is placed (top, bottom, side, corner, etc.).
Supports Different Languages
Choose a language in the Settings. You can easily create your own language file! Please share any language files you make in the AMG Forum.
Automatically Post to Facebook
Every image/video/audio that’s posted to AMG can also be posted to Facebook as a Link or Photo.
Automatically Post to Wordpress
Batches of images, videos, or audios can be combined into single WP posts. If you want, you can use AMG as an easier way to create media posts in Wordpress.
Cool Popup Modals
Makes for less page reloads, and a fun interface that offers 18 different effects. The modals are disabled on phones, and can be enabled for tablets.
Social Login Integration
Most of the guides for social login can be found in the Using Mokoala section. I recently added Wordpress integration. AMG connects to Wordpress to authenticate existing users.
Supports Youtube, Vimeo, Vine, and Soundcloud links
You can easily manage a user-generated video and audio site, without the bandwidth costs.
Supports Animated Gifs
You can easily manage a user-generated meme-site.
Categorize and Visualize All your Members
Members can follow each other, message each other, and track their activities.
Shared Activity Feeds
The activity of each members and those they follow show up in a unified activity feed.
Amazing Options and Features
So many features and options that will save you hundreds of hours of development time.
Edit Image Info and Member Profiles from the Front-End
Give your admins and members the ability to edit their media and profile content without going into a separate back-end.
Quickly Scan Through the Site Content with a Lightbox
All the media on your site can be quickly viewed using a lightbox script called Fancybox.
Twitter Cards, Social Media Banners, and More
All of the latest social OG tags are implemented to help make your site stand out among the pack.
Powerful Content Management System
We worked with Mokoala CMS and its founder, Matt Lowden, to create a solid and scalable framework.
Awesome Media Gallery is built with Mokoala CMS. It has a single installation process similar to Wordpress. This Mokoala installation guide covers how to install the CMS along with Awesome Media Gallery.
Our Support Services
Rest assured that I’m going to fix any bugs that you find. You can report them here. I’m also posting some snippets of code here that will help you navigate the code. If you have a lot of specific questions about customizing your site, visit the AMG forum. I also offer a professional customizing service for $35/hr USD. Make sure you send me a mockup along with your design specs so I can evaluate your needs. I wrote the AMG code and can modify it very quickly. You can email me with any project requirements.
AMG Forums
Please visit @ to discuss AMG scripts and features with other web developers. If you have any questions or discussion topics, go to the forum and the AMG community might be able to help you
Please Rate AMG
If you enjoy this script, please leave a review on code canyon.
Version 2 Released March 22, 2015
- Now supports Multiple Languages easily (English and Spanish Included) - Now Supports Custom Variables in LESS File - Now Supports Masonry and Media Grids - Includes a customizable RSS Feed - Admins can use AMG to create a Wordpress Post! - Sort by Member Types - Guest Liking and Commenting can be enabled - Image Approvals can be enabled - Updated Social Share Buttons to Properly Show Numbers - Lots of New Admin Options - Displays Exif Data - Enable/Disable Individual Profile Options - Upload Custom Member Banners - Added a Carousel for displaying media or member avatars - Added a Slider - Supports custom Header Banners - Supports sticky menu above or below the header - Supports Soundcloud - Supports editable tags - Supports Masonry layouts along with fixed grid layouts - Includes Full Screen Mode - Supports Infinite scroll, load more button, or individual page numbers - Supports Animate.css slider effects - Easiest style sheet ever! Set shadows, border radius and colors in seconds - Improved URL’s 100% Friendly SEO - Select different icons from the Admin Panel - Easy to Approve images in bulk - Over a hundred options and configurations - Easily modify site colors, button shadows and border radius - Censors bad words! - More spaces for different ad sizes! And easier to manage! - Upload images from most mobile devices! Full list here: - Any mobile device can add video and audio links! - Enable a cookie notification at the bottom of screen! - Members can send each other emails directly from their profiles - Images can be cropped from the top to better show faces - Fixes dozens of bugs, ie. foreign usernames, reserved words, absolute positioning - Now Supports Front End editing with iPhone and IPad - Watermarks - shows notice when watermark mode is enabled - Create long posts in WP - Option to Use Facebook Comments instead of AMG Default - Fixed Backups. Works Perfect now. - Updated Mobile Detect PHP Script - Updated File Upload.js Library
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