Thumbnail For Excerpts Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
4.2 Average out of 6 ratings
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Plugin Description

The idea of this plugin is to make excerpts have an image near. By default, WordPress strip every tag in excerpts, including images, so the look can be boring. Since WordPress 2.9 there is a mechanism for thumbnails, which still ask for some coding. Not with this plugin! With this plugin your life is easier! Keep in mind that this plugin use the new feature from WordPress 2.9, but works with previous versions too. It will use any specific thumbnail you have indicated manually. In the same time, it will provide automatically thumbnails for all the posts (previous posts for example) which have at least one image, but no manually-indicated thumbnail.


Full documentation can be found on the Thumbnail for Excerpts page.


Now there is a setting page in WordPress back-end.


  1. By default it shows on left side, with 100 set as width

    By default it shows on left side, with 100 set as width

  2. Now in the right side, with 50 as width

    Now in the right side, with 50 as width

  3. This screenshot is done in Firefox, showing the feed: yes, the thumbnails are there too!

    This screenshot is done in Firefox, showing the feed: yes, the thumbnails are there too!

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