Nextend Accordion Menu Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Nextend Accordion Menu gives you complete control over menu levels, colors, animation effects and more. All accordion menu themes comes with their own settings and preset skins that can be customized without any HTML or CSS knowledge. You can define multiple instance of accordion menu then you can add the created accordion menu with the help of widgets and shortcodes.
Accordion menu used widely in navigation, sliding, minimizing and maximizing content. They can be expanded whenever and however needed, saving valuable space while displaying a wide range of content. It gives a powerful user navigation experience for you and your visitors.
Note: In this Lite version you get a totally usable plugin with one theme (Default Theme) which is the product of many hours development. If you want 3 extra themes and features with excellent personal support please purchase the PRO version. Click here to upgrade to the Accordion Menu PRO version!
Installation instruction and usage documentation
Most powerful features:
- 4 fully customizable themes and multiple skins to choose from
- Complete control from the backend over colors, backgrounds, images, fonts etc. level by level and state by state (active, hover etc.)
- Integrated font manager with Google fonts
- Unlimited deep menu levels
- Uses caching for the menu tree, for CSS and JavaScript, so it’s extremely fast
- Varied animation types for the menu
- More than 30 parameter to set technically everything, some example: Parent item as link, Accordion mode, Activator event, Always opened, Menu slice/splice, Animations, Menu class suffix, Icons, Menu counter etc.
Three PRO themes, because we know that the appearance is very important on the web.
Most Powerful Features, which makes the menu universal to fit into every site.
Why should I upgrade? What are the extras that I get for my money?
Screenshot from the backend, which will help you through the set up process with easily understable features.
Screenshot from the theme management, set everything without CSS coding.