Poll One Wp Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Poll One Wp Plugin Preview - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/03/19/pool-one-wp-wordpress-plugin/

Poll one wp plug-in is simple Ajax based poll plug-in for WordPress. using this plug-in we can customize the pool in the website widget. In the admin we have option to create the pool with maximum six answer. also have option to set start and end date of the pool. In the front end it will display one pool at a time also we can set random pool display.

In the front end, after user selected and submitted the answer, it will display the answer for that pool. The live demo available on the sidebar, please submit your answer and see the demo and output.

Features of this plugin

  • Simple and easy customization
  • Random question display (one at a time)
  • Option to set start date for display
  • Option to set end date for display
  • CSS setting for widget style
  • Cookies option. user can vote only one time

How to create poll question

After activated the plugin, it will create the new menu Poll One in your admin. In that page we have option to add, edit, delete the question and answer information. also start date, end date option available in the same page to set the question display.

Plug-in configure

Drag and drop the widget: First install and activate the plugin. After go to admin widget page under Appearance tab, drag and drop Poll One wp plugin widget into your side bar.

Add directly in the theme : First install and activate the plugin. After use this PHP code, to add this plugin to your theme files.

Short code for posts and pages: Add the given short code in the posts and pages to display the poll on the post and page.

Short code:

[pollone id="1"]

id = Enter your poll id.

Use below short code to load random poll from the list.

[pollone id=""]


  1. pool-one-wp-plugin screenshot 1

    Front end – Setting. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/03/19/pool-one-wp-wordpress-plugin/

  2. pool-one-wp-plugin screenshot 2

    Admin question management. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/03/19/pool-one-wp-wordpress-plugin/

  3. pool-one-wp-plugin screenshot 3

    Admin CSS management. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/03/19/pool-one-wp-wordpress-plugin/

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