QQ Weibo Plugin For WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The features in English
- It has a widget, you can drag it drop it where you want in the side.Also you can set it how many tweetes you want to show.
- You do not need to input you qq account and password, you just tell qq that you want to use this plugin by click a link.
- It automaticly generate the link of the urls and @xxx in tweets.
If any help is needed, please checkout my tech blog: http://www.l-da.com
The features in Chinese
- 自带一个WordPress”小工具”, 你可使用拖拽的方式直接指定插件显示的位置
- 使用腾讯微博的授权, 不需要用户名和密码, 保证了你帐号的安全
- 自动转换微博中的URL和@符号
- 显示 热门话题 的URL
- 可以设定显示微博的数量
如果使用上需要什么帮助请, 查看我的博客: http://www.l-da.com