Greenlemon Facebook Like Box Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Displays a Facebook Like Box. The Facebook Like Box is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. Greenlemon facebook like box display fan page posts, like button, and connections on your website using widget or shortcode.
Powered by Greenlemon
- Facebook Page URL – enter an URL address to the Facebook fan page
- Width – set the width of the module in pixels. The default width is 250px
- Height – With the stream displayed and 8 connections the default height is 556px. With no stream displayed and 8 connections the default height is 271px. With no connections and no stream the default height is 63px
- Color Scheme – choose the color scheme for the like box (light/dark)
- Show Faces – show/hide profile photos (1 for show and 0 for hide to use in shortcode)
- Stream – show/hide the latest wall posts (1 for show and 0 for hide to use in shortcode)
- Header – show/hide the Facebook header (1 for show and 0 for hide to use in shortcode)
- Border – show/hide the border around the like box (1 for show and 0 for hide to use in shortcode)
If you have any issue with the plugin while installing ,you can contact to support through my blog.
You can use greenlemon facebook like box in number of ways:
Display facebook like box in sidebar using widget.
Display facebook like box in posts or pages using shortcode. Genraete shortcode using widget or add this shortcode and modify the values manually.
[gfb_likebox fanpage_url="YOUR_FB_FANPAGE_URL" fb_appid="OPTIONAL_SEE_FAQ" box_width="WIDTH_OF_BOX_IN_PIXELS" box_height="HEIGHT_OF_BOX_IN_PIXELS" colorscheme="CHOSEN_COLOSCHEME(light/dark)" show_faces="SHOW_CONNECTIONS(1/0)" show_header="SHOW_HEADER(1/0)" show_stream="SHOW_STREAM_POSTS(1/0)" show_border="DISPLAY_BORDER(1/0)"]
- Want to display in a template paste below code along with your optional settings.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[gfb_likebox fanpage_url="YOUR_FB_FANPAGE_URL" fb_appid="OPTIONAL_SEE_FAQ" box_width="WIDTH_OF_BOX_IN_PIXELS" box_height="HEIGHT_OF_BOX_IN_PIXELS" colorscheme="CHOSEN_COLOSCHEME(light/dark)" show_faces="SHOW_CONNECTIONS(1/0)" show_header="SHOW_HEADER(1/0)" show_stream="SHOW_STREAM_POSTS(1/0)" show_border="DISPLAY_BORDER(1/0)"]' ); ?>
- Extended optiontional settings to personalize in widget and shortcode
- Generate shortcode using widget form
- Likebox in PopUp (Modal window) and responsive likebox
Facebook like box in light color scheme.
Facebook like box in dark color scheme.
Facebook like box backend view with options description.