Spiffy Meta Box Creator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin lets you create meta boxes by creating and calling a function but without needing to reuse all of the same WordPress functions for doing so.
Arbitrary section
Here is an example meta box function:
< ?php
//Meta box for page settings
function pageSettings() {
//Name of the meta box (lowercase without spaces)
$name = 'page_settings';
//Enter the titles for each one of your boxes
$titles = array('Section Headline');
//This will run the titles through a function that converts them into lables for the form fields.
$boxes = makeTitles($name,$titles);
//Description of meta box
$desc = 'Page Settings';
//Show on page type:
$types = array('page');
//Pull in existing meta field value
$setHeadline = get_post_meta($_GET['post'],"_page_settings_section_headline",true);
$content = "Page Headline:”;
$content .= “”;
//Run the function
$config = array(
//Create the object
//Run it
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