Advanced Query Loop Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Advanced Query Loop Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin introduces a Query Loop block variation that will empower users to be able to do much more complicated queries with the Query Loop block, such number of posts to display and post meta

Available Controls

Post Count and Offset

Set the number of items you want to display ( up to 10 ) and choose whether you want to start at the first or 100th!

Post Meta Query

Generate complicated post meta queries using an interface that allows you to create a query based on meta_key, meta_value and the compare options. Combine multiple queries and determine if they combine results (OR) or narrow them down (AND).

Date Query

Query items before a date, after a date or between two dates!


  1. Select how many posts you want to display and the number to start at.

    Select how many posts you want to display and the number to start at.

  2. Create complicated queries for post types with registered post meta.x

    Create complicated queries for post types with registered post meta.x

  3. Query posts before a date, after a date or between two dates.

    Query posts before a date, after a date or between two dates.

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