Facebook Opengraph Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Facebook Opengraph Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

By default, when we like on a page, facebook it collects information from
the code itself, such as title, then paint it in the user profile. Typically,
the title and name of the site are things that usually get pretty good. But
there are others such as the associated image, which often does not work so well.

If you have multiple images on the page, we have no control over which of
them painted. And with the description of something similar could happen to us
if we do not put the target description in the header of the web, catch the
first paragraph thereof, which may have little to do with what we share.

To avoid such problems, facebook offers OpenGraph protocol. This protocol
defines a set of meta tags by which we can give additional information on
our facebook page, such as product name, description, image or name
associated with the site. Thus, we can control how it displays information
about our product within facebook.


  1. facebook-opengraph screenshot 1

    This is the post or page that you will be given to Like Button click.

  2. facebook-opengraph screenshot 2

    automatically detects the plug if it contains the image and tells the meta
    of facebook, if it contains automatically places a default image, you need to
    put in your images folder of your theme with the title ‘logofb.png’.

  3. facebook-opengraph screenshot 3

    So it would look without the plug.

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