SuperSlider-Menu Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is your Animated menu plugin that uses Mootools 1.4.5 javascript to form a multi-level collapsable menu widget in your sidebar for your categories and posts. Automatic opener upon page change. Highly configurable, theme based design, css based animations.
Available under > settings > SuperSlider-menu
* theme files to use for menu.
* menu accordion to work with click or mouseover
* allow close all tabs
* opacity transition
* transition speed
* transition type
* tooltips on categories on or off
* Vertical mouse tracer on or off
* Mouse tracer reaction speed.
* to load or not Mootools.js
* css files storage loaction
* Advanced options
* disable built in menu structure
* user defined objects, holder, toggler, content, and toglink.
Available in the widget options pane:
* Show post counts in Category links
* Order of Categories
* Order of posts
* Show Rss link as text or image
* Limit number of posts to show
* Edit more posts link text
* Sort by category name or category id
* Sort in ascending or descending order<h3>Themes</h3>
Create your own graphic and animation theme based on one of these provided
* Available themes
* default
* blue
* black
* custom<h3>To Do</h3>
* fix known bugs:
* auto open toggler fails in some usage situations.<h3>Report Bugs Request / Options / Functions</h3>
* Please use the forum system at
This plugin is in use here at
* <>
* <><h3>CAVEAT</h3>
Currently this plugin relies on Javascript to expand and collapse the links.
If a user’s browser doesn’t support javascript the list of cats and posts will display normally.
2.3 (2012/10/10)
- upgraded for mootools 1.4.5
- upgraded for WordPress 3.4+
2.1 (2010/06/02)
- fixed link to settings page
- added save options upon deactivation option
- Fixed the exclude – include bug
- Fixed the show – don’t show empty categories bug
2.0 (2010/03/21)
- Complete rebuild
0.4 (2008/11/20)
- Fixed bug – opacity on tooltips now works.
- Moved option – Mouse tracer location, right or left of menu to css control.
0.3 (2008/11/19)
- Fixed bug – activeID is NULL when on non menu page.
0.2 (2008/11/19)
- Added mootools / css powered animated tooltips on categories
- Added Option, tooltips on categories on / off
0.1.6 (2008/11/11)
- Added settings screen for plugin.
Added Options
- theme files to use for menu.
- menu accordion to work with click or mouseover
- allow close all tabs
- opacity transition
- transition speed
- transition type
- Vertical mouse tracer on or off
- Mouse tracer location, right or left of menu
- Mouse tracer reaction speed.
- to load or not Mootools.js
- css files storage loaction
*Advanced options
- disable built in menu structure
- user defined objects, holder, toggler, content, and toglink.
Added theme system for menu.
- Rebuilt html rendering file superslider-menu-list.php
- Moved superslider-menu-ui.php into folder admin.
- Added Reload default options to settings screen
- Added settings link to wordpress plugin page
- Added Set your widget link to settings page
0.1.2beta (2008/10/24)
- Added mouse tracer – follower and option to deactivate it.
- Added clicked link memory to identify and deactivate the active page link.
- Added transition to css class for the accordion toggler.
- Added toggler open memory (via cookie) for page changes.
- Moved all java script into file superslider_menu.js
0.1.0beta (2008/10/15)
- Changed name from Collapsing categories to Superslider-menu
- Changed author from Robert Felty to Daiv Mowbray
- Switched javascript from jquery to Mootools 1.2
- switched html from unordered list to data list
- Changed fold down icon to css based rather than image.
- remove options:
– fold down icon type
– to animate or not
– expanding to show Cats and posts or just cats.
– auto expand these categories
– Category name as link to cat or not.