Feed Media Player Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Feed Media Player Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
1 Average out of 1 ratings
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Plugin Description

This plugin adds a static music player to your Wordpress blog.

The player pulls music from feed.fm, where you can upload the music you want to play
or you can select music from stations already published on fuzz.com.

The player wraps your website so that as users navigate between pages the music keeps
playing. Because some more recent browser features are used to make this work (history
API, audio API) the player only appears on modern browsers.


  1. feed-media-player screenshot 1

    The slider skin starts out as a headphone icon on the side of the screen, and slides
    out to expose player controls.

  2. feed-media-player screenshot 2

    The simple skin is understated and displays well in multiple browsing environments.

  3. feed-media-player screenshot 3

    The grille skin makes a statement.

Reviews & Comments