Vk Photo Album Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Basic photo gallery that is familiar to vk.com photo albums. Plugin registers new taxonomy for albums(terms) and new post_type for photos. It is fully adaptive(bootstrap grid)
Url rewriting system included, so it is manageable by settings in class.
Rules are declared in class constrcutor.
L18N system included – translations kept in plugin_dir().’/locatization/’ . WordPressPhotoAlbum::LOCALE . ‘.php’
Can be called by WordPressPhotoAlbum::__t(‘some_phrase’)
Arbitrary section 1
Welcome for any suggestions about new features
Github repository https://github.com/TemirkhanN/wordpress-photo-album
albums list at admin-panel
albums list at frontend
photo adding at admin panel
photoalbum main folder
photos list in album
photo in popup opened at album(real size)
photo in popup opened at album(full web-page)
photo opened by direct link input