WooCommerce MultiStep Checkout Like Magento Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WooCommerce MultiStep Checkout Like Magento Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description


  • Our plugin is compatible with the Woocommerce 3.0


With this free Multistep Checkout plugin, you can easily create multistepped checkout process for your ecommerce site. This wordpress plugin gives you various admin options to manage tabs as well as its view in front. This plugin also gives the feature of jQuery validation for Billing and Shipping Form fields. It also contains the feature of validating the login credential using AJAX.

You can add or remove Login and Coupon from Steps.

With this plugins you get admin options for:

  1. Add Login form to tabs
  2. Add Coupon form to tabs
  3. If you want to combine Order information and Payment tabs then set “Combine order Infomation and Payment tabs” option to “Yes”
  4. You can update the colors of Active and Inactive Tabs, as well as Active- Inactive Font colours.
  5. There is also option to enable ZipCode Validation.


  1. <p>This screenshot shows the admin options related to add or remove login and coupon tabs and color settings for tabs and fonts.</p>

    This screenshot shows the admin options related to add or remove login and coupon tabs and color settings for tabs and fonts.

  2. <p>This screenshot shows the admin options related to Step Titles and Code Location.</p>

    This screenshot shows the admin options related to Step Titles and Code Location.

  3. <p>This screenshot shows how Tabs look like in front and Login form validation works using AJAX.</p>

    This screenshot shows how Tabs look like in front and Login form validation works using AJAX.

  4. <p>This screenshot shows how jQuery validation works on Billing or Shipping form fields.</p>

    This screenshot shows how jQuery validation works on Billing or Shipping form fields.

  5. <p>This screenshot shows the feature of ZipCode Validation.</p>

    This screenshot shows the feature of ZipCode Validation.

  6. <p>This screenshot shows how it looks in front if "Combine order Infomation and Payment tabs" option set to "Yes".</p>

    This screenshot shows how it looks in front if “Combine order Infomation and Payment tabs” option set to “Yes”.

  7. <p>This screenshot shows how it looks in front if "Combine order Infomation and Payment tabs" option set to "No".</p>

    This screenshot shows how it looks in front if “Combine order Infomation and Payment tabs” option set to “No”.

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