TextingOnly Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

TextingOnly Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

In its most basic form, the TextingOnly plugin makes it simple to integrate SMS into your website and give your website visitors another way to get in touch – via text. In its advanced form, the TextingOnly plugin makes it easy integrate complex SMS capabilities into your website and/or marketing plan.

TextingOnly offers business text messaging solutions – tools that have been reimagined from traditional voice, media, or email communication to harness the power of SMS. Modernize communication with both current users and new users, and effortlessly personalize customer interactions within the SMS framework. Increase conversion with powerful SMS communication / marketing tools, and with the help of advanced automations and tracking.

Core Plugin Features

  • Easily integrate SMS contact options into your existing website
  • Smart links automatically detect whether the user is on desktop or mobile
  • Simple entry points into SMS commuication with customers and prospects
  • Modernization of business communication by utilizing the SMS framework
  • Both SMS link click and QR code scan analytics

Core plugin features include: giving website users an additional method to get in touch via SMS, basic tracking of SMS link/button clicks (on mobile) and QR code scans (on desktop), and and overall modernization of business communication by making use of the SMS framework. TextingOnly smart links automatically detect whether a website visitor is on a mobile device or on a desktop device. If the user is on a mobile device, the smart link will automatically start an SMS conversation. If the user is on a desktop or larger device, the option to scan a QR code to begin an SMS conversation will be displayed.

Advanced TextingOnly Features

  • Dedicated phone numbers for texting (no longer use your own number)
  • Automated textbots and text conversations
  • Scheduled outbound SMS sends to individuals or lists
  • Interactive text response (ITR) menus
  • Both outbound and inbound SMS language translations

Advanced TextingOnly features include: dedicated phone numbers for texting (no longer use your own phone number for business texting), automated textbots and text conversations, message translations (both outbound and inbound SMS), scheduled outbound SMS sends, advanced outbound SMS sends to lists, interactive text response (ITR) menus, easy 1-to-1 SMS communication, outbound/inbound SMS language translations, contact and list management, and much more.

Plugin Notes

  • The domain c.txtng.co is the official link shortener used with TextingOnly products and is therefore integrated into this plugin. Learn more or view Terms of Service
  • This plugin syncs data from a TextingOnly account to a WordPress site so that an account’s TextingOnly products can be easily available on that WordPress site. The subdomain wp.textingonly.com is utilized for this data sync. Learn more or view Terms of Service

More About TextingOnly


  1. At the plugin settings page after installing and activating, click on the "Register" button.

    At the plugin settings page after installing and activating, click on the “Register” button.

  2. Create a TextingOnly account and/or log in at https://www.textingonly.com to set up your initial account details.

    Create a TextingOnly account and/or log in at https://www.textingonly.com to set up your initial account details.

  3. Within your TextingOnly account, navigate to "QR Codes/Links" and set up your first link details (phone number, initial message, etc.).

    Within your TextingOnly account, navigate to “QR Codes/Links” and set up your first link details (phone number, initial message, etc.).

  4. Back in the WordPress dashboard, enter your TextingOnly account email and API key and click the "Save" button.

    Back in the WordPress dashboard, enter your TextingOnly account email and API key and click the “Save” button.

  5. In the WP dashboard, click on "Update/Refresh" under "Available Links/Buttons" to connect your TextingOnly account.

    In the WP dashboard, click on “Update/Refresh” under “Available Links/Buttons” to connect your TextingOnly account.

  6. In the WP dashboard, choose default settings. These include color, font size, button style, and more.

    In the WP dashboard, choose default settings. These include color, font size, button style, and more.

  7. Add the [textingonly] shortcode wherever you want you button displayed.

    Add the [textingonly] shortcode wherever you want you button displayed.

  8. Or choose to display the default button (set in step 6) site-wide.

    Or choose to display the default button (set in step 6) site-wide.

  9. For more information on plugin options and setup, click on "User Guide" in the plugin navigation.

    For more information on plugin options and setup, click on “User Guide” in the plugin navigation.

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