Feature Flipper Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Feature Flipper Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

WordPress comes with a lot of features. Some of them are useful and essential, while there are probably some that you do not need. This plugin allows you to switch some of these features, on and off, easily. Several features that this plugin supports are:

  • Gutenberg: Gutenberg has become the default editor in WordPress on both Page and Post type. But if you are not using it, you can disable it to switch back to the Classic Editor.
  • Emojis: Emojis are fun. But WordPress loads some scripts to support rendering emojis. If you do not use Emojis in your content, you can disable them to remove the additional weight from the scripts.
  • XML-RPC: XML-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol that allows you to communicate with your WordPress site. If you do not use any services that require XML-RPC, you can disable it which helps reducing the attack surface of your site.
  • jQuery Migrate: jQuery Migrate is a JavaScript library that helps you to migrate your jQuery code to the latest version. If you are not using any old jQuery code, you can disable it to remove the additional weight of the library from your site.
  • Post Embeds: Post Embeds allow you to embed posts from your site into another site, or within your own site. If you do not use this feature, you can disable it to prevent others from embedding your posts.
  • Attachment Slug: WordPress, by default, will automaically create a slug for your attachment URLs from the media file name. This could cause issues when the slug is conflicting with your post or page slug. To avoid attchment reserving the slug, you can disable this default behaviour. This plugin will randomly generate a unique slug for your attachment URLs.
  • And more…


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