Feed Importer For Micro.blog Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Feed Importer for Micro.blog fetches an RSS feed for Micro.blog and publishes entries to your WordPress site as a stand-alone post (status). In order to use this plugin, a valid username and a Micro.blog Feed is required.
- Multiple accounts import.
- Frequency settings for feed imports.
- Import the full text and images from Micro.blog rss feed content.
- Set number of posts and category per feed.
- Assign author to imported content.
- Simple template for formatting imported content.
- Option to edit titles for short entries. By default formatted date of the publication is used.
- If enabled, imported images are formated into WordPress Galleries. (Enable- Download and save images locally.)
- Imported content without a title is published as a Status (type of a Post). Longer content (with title) will be imported as normal posts.
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