Brevz – Changelogs & Notifications Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Brevz – Changelogs & Notifications Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Brevz is a free tool to show your changelogs accross your website and communicate with your users with notifications. This is a perfect solution if you want to grow your customers base withour having them to register their email first. A study show than more than 65% of users return to an app within 30 days when a push notification is send to them, it boost engagement by 88%!

The free plugin includes notifications, changelogs, and every Brevz’ features for free. All these features work immediately with no developer help needed, you’ll only need to configure the solution within our website, it’s quite easy and we are here to help you.

You got a blog and want to re-engage your customers when they didn’t finish to read their article? Go for Brevz!

Installing this plugin to your WordPress site will give you access to all our documentation, our product and our support team to help you in the best possible way.

Customized Notifications

Brevz allows you to embed a notification module to your website and let you send notifications to your visitors. Using this plugin, you can easuly handle these following scenarios:

  • Re-engage visitors who have dropped the article they were reading
  • Send notifications to show them your newest feature
  • Tell your visitors that you have new products in stock
  • Send a customized message to your visitor that boost relevance and conversions based on user attributes
  • Schedule notifications in advance and recurring notifications

Segment & Target your users

Brevz allows you to associate data with your visitors and use a powerful targeting engine to allow you to target very specific visitor segments


Brevz allows you to embed a changelog module to your website and let you manage your changelog with this. Using this plugin, you can easuly handle these following scenarios:

  • Provide a simple and effective way to see what has changed
  • Keep in touch with your users, let them know you are effective by showing the them what you have worked on.


  • Fair pricing

We do not limit the functionality of our product based on what you pay, the offer is free as long as you are a small business. You pay as soon as your company scale.

  • API

Brevz allows you to use its internal API with the latest standards: a GraphQL API.

  • Integrations

You can integrate Brevz with a wide range of third-parties.
More integrations are to come, we are always ready to add more on request of our customers, do not hesitate to ask us.


  1. Brevz


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