Web3 NFT Login Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Enable login & sign-up with Web3 crypto wallet (Metamask, WalletConnect or Torus) to your wordpress website.
For new users, plugin auto creates WordPress account and for existing users plugin search existing account with Wallet Address and login into that account.
For any user role, you can specify the minimum amount of a token or crypto balance the user needs to have in order to create an account. Your token can be a DAO Governance token, NFT, crypto coins, or smart contracts.
Gating WordPress pages based on blockchain conditions like NFT ownership or DAO membership using Web3 Protocol. Supports Ethereum, Polygon and most EVM chains.
Supports any NFT collection on Ethereum or Polygon blockchain. All you need is the public contract address which can be easily found on sites like Etherscan.io or OpenSea.io
- Web3 login with Metamask, WalletConnect or Torus
- Automatically signup new accounts after Crypto Wallet login
- Sign-in based on tokens (DAO Governance token, cryto wallet balance, coins, smart contracts) [PRO]
- Ask NFT verification to register or login to your site [PRO]
- Lock / Gate content on specific posts or pages until the user verifies NFT ownership [PRO]
Reach out to us at support@securebit.co for any questions or feature requests.
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