Wp-imgur Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Wp-imgur Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 3 ratings
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Plugin Description

WP-Imgur syncs your Media Library to Imgur, and serves your images
from Imgur servers.


  1. Syncs images from /wp-content to an Album on Imgur.
  2. Auto Syncs new uploads.
  3. Auto Syncs image edits.
  4. Takes into account different image sizes.
  5. Does not modify the Media Library, and is easily uninstallable.


  • Thanks to Alan Schaaf and the Imgur team.


  1. Authorize WP-Imgur

    Authorize WP-Imgur

  2. Verify PIN

    Verify PIN

  3. WP-Imgur Settings

    WP-Imgur Settings

  4. WP-Imgur Sync

    WP-Imgur Sync

  5. WP-Imgur Sync in Progress

    WP-Imgur Sync in Progress

Reviews & Comments