A.M.Y. Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

A.M.Y. Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Creates and manages ads and campaigns. You can assign zones to your blog and activate ads in them. The ads of the active campaigns will be rotated in the zones.

Ad Campaigns

Ad campaigns are collections of ads. You can activate packages for each campaign so the ads in it will be rotated in the zone which the package is assigned to.

Manage Ads

You can create unlimited number of ads and assign them to a campaign. Only one ad is shown at a time (ads in active campaigns are rotated randomly in the ad zone). In the ad code you can put HTML or javascript code, so assigning Adsense-like ads is also possible.

Pricing plans

This is what you’ll charge your advertisers if you sell direct ads. The duration in days defines for how long a campaign will be active when a package with the selected pricing plan is activated for it.

Ad Zones

]You can define any number of zones where ads will appear on your blog. For example “Header”, “Sidebar”, “Footer” etc.

User Control Panel

Your blog users can create their own ads and campaigns, and they can request campaign activation. Payments (if any) are currently expected to be handled manually. Paypal integration coming soon.


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