Accept 2Checkout Payments Using Contact Form 7 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The 2Checkout Payment system provides a secure, simple means of authorizing credit and debit card transactions from your website.
The 2Checkout system provides a straightforward payment interface for the customer. It takes complete responsibility for the onsite transaction, including collection and encrypted storage of credit and debit card details, eliminating the security implications of holding such sensitive information on your servers.
This plugin helps you to accept payments on your Contact Form 7 using 2Checkout Accounts.
Features of Accept 2Checkout Payments Using Contact Form 7
- Supports 25 currencies Payment option.
- In the Free version of 2Checkout, you can view the payment transactions of up to 10 Entries in the admin panel.
- Create multiple payment forms using Contact Form 7.
- Supports multiple forms on a single post or page.
- Permits to take values from all input fields including drop-down menu, textbox, hidden field, radio buttons, etc.
- Accepts dynamic value from frontend for parameters like item description, amount, email, and quantity.
- Option to Enable 2Checkout Sandbox Mode to ensure the functioning of the payment transactions.
- Saves Contact Form 7 payment data into the database.
- You can view 2Checkout payment data details from the Admin side.
- Option to export the Contact Form 7 payment data to CSV.
- All filters and search facilities are available at the admin side.
- Individual emails are sent to customers and admin after the 2Checkout payment transaction.
- You can set ‘Success Return URL’ and ‘Cancel Return URL’ pages to redirect after the payment transaction. You can display payment details using shortcode adding in the Success & Cancel page [two-checkout-details].
- You can use the Country field Tag option to display country in the drop-down; if you are working with the custom approach, you need to set the drop-down value in ISO 3166 ( Examples: GB, IE, and DE ), so we prefer to use our tag to display country list.
Features of Accept 2Checkout Payments Using Contact Form 7 Pro
We have released the PRO version of this plugin with extra advantageous features added. PRO Version 1.0 Released.
- Facility to import, export the list of entire 2Checkout unlimited Entries.
- In the list of 2Checkout forms entry in the admin side, you can view payment transactions unlimited Entries.
Plugin Requirement
PHP version : 5.6 and latest
WordPress : WordPress 4.9 and latest
2checkout Demo Form
2checkout Settings and Configuration
2checkout Amount Field Configuration
2checkout Payment Detail Page
2checkout Transaction Detail Page