Admin Backend Color Coded Post Notes Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Admin Backend Color Coded Post Notes Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Admin Backend Color Coded Post Notes is a simple yet powerful plugin that helps administrators leave color-coded notes on posts and pages within the WordPress editor. This ensures clear communication and organized editorial workflows.


  • Customizable Notes: Add notes to any post or page with your chosen color for easy identification.
  • Easy to Use: Simple interface within the post editor for adding and viewing notes.
  • Visual Indicators: Color-coded notes make it easy to spot important information at a glance.
  • Admin Only: Notes are visible only to users with administrative privileges, ensuring they don’t affect front-end display.

Use Cases

  • Editorial Teams: Streamline communication and feedback directly within the post editor.
  • Project Management: Keep track of tasks and progress with color-coded notes.
  • Personal Notes: Administrators can leave reminders or important information about posts and pages.


  1. Meta Box: Add color-coded notes within the post editor.

    Meta Box: Add color-coded notes within the post editor.

  2. Note Display: View notes directly within the editor and table view.

    Note Display: View notes directly within the editor and table view.

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