AdSense Unblocker Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

AdSense Unblocker Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin is currently only for websites using Google’s AdSense advertising network.

It first checks whether or not your website’s code has an advertisement placed, then checks whether or not the user is able to see the advertisements. If not, an ad wall is presented that covers the window and blurs the content.

A message is displayed that will inform the user that they can continue viewing the site once their ad-blocking software is paused/disabled, or has whitelisted your site.

The plugin will function regardless of which ad-blocking software is enabled.

A brief Markdown Example

Unordered list:

  1. Prevents AdBlock users from viewing your site
  2. Guarantees all visitors are seeing your ads
  3. Completely customizable message appearance
  4. Extremely light weight


  1. The ad wall darkens and blurs the site’s content while displaying a message.

    The ad wall darkens and blurs the site’s content while displaying a message.

  2. The ad wall’s appearance is fully customizable, easily accessed through the Settings panel in the admin menu.

    The ad wall’s appearance is fully customizable, easily accessed through the Settings panel in the admin menu.

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