Advanced FAQ Manager Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The FAQ Manager plugin lets you create & manage the FAQs, and displays them in an accordion style. Group FAQs of similar categories together and display them separately with layouts and content.
✍ Description
Advanced FAQ Manager allows you to easily create and manage frequently asked questions (FAQs) in your WordPress pages.
Using this FAQ plugin,
- Show any number of FAQs based on category grouping
- Display FAQs in accordion style and in sync with your theme’s stylings.
- Add FAQ Post (in the FAQ plugin behaves like a Category) and add the each questions & answers as a content within the same, there by making it easy manage a set/category of FAQs
- Bring more detail to FAQs by adding images to the content/answers.
- Customise your FAQs using Advanced FAQ Manager with options to change the text and background colour of the FAQ title and content, and choose to display them in colors that suit your WordPress website.
- Edit/remove individual FAQs from a set easily if you find them unnecessary.
- Display the last updated date of the FAQs on top, so that the viewer could know that you have the latest updates for them.
With Advanced FAQ Manager Plugin, all you need to do is create a new FAQ category/set, add in the list of frequently asked questions as the content. Copy the displayed short-code of the post, and paste it in your web page wherever necessary.
👑 Advanced FAQ – Key Features
- Easy category wise FAQ Management – Display & manage all FAQ with in a set in one place, makes it easy to add/edit/delete the FAQs without further thought.
- Single Click to Publish a set/Category of FAQs – Easy-n-simple to publish a set of FAQs in on click, as adding of a group name and faq list happens in a single page.
- Add Multiple Images to FAQ content – Display images in the FAQs using the Insert Image button to give more detail to the answers.
- Display FAQs in Accordion Style – The accordion/toggle display style ensures the viewers with easy navigation through FAQ list.
- Change the behaviour of FAQ Accordions – Choose to close or open the first FAQ, and also choose to keep multiple accordions open at a time.
- Style the FAQ Text and Background Colors – Choose custom colors for the text and background of the FAQ title and content from general settings, and match them to the colors of your theme.
- Override Global Style Settings for Individual FAQ – Choose custom colors for text and background of FAQ title & content of a specific set of FAQs using the overriding option provided inside each set of FAQ group.
- Social Sharing of the FAQs – Display/hide social media buttons for FAQs so that the viewers can easily share them through social medias like Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter/Email. You can also display a custom title text for the share.
- Last Updated Date of the FAQ Group – Choose to display/hide the last updated date of the FAQs based on your viewer interest.
- Showcase FAQ in Widget Area – Copy Paste the short-code to the Text widget in Widget section to display the particular FAQ set.
- Accordion search option – With the FAQ manager plugin, you can add the search option for the FAQ tab that helps the shoppers easily search and find the respective FAQ.
- Comment box – Using the FAQ manager plugin, you can enable the comment option inside the FAQ tab. This lets the shoppers quickly submit their comments regarding the corresponding FAQ.
- Clone option for the FAQs – Using this FAQ builder, you can easily duplicate an already created FAQ and edit them later.
- Custom CSS – Enabling the custom CSS option of the plugin lets you customize the website appearance with custom CSS code.
- Limit the display number of FAQ – The plugin lets you set the number of FAQs to be displayed on the page load.
- Title icon for FAQ – The plugin offers you a list of icons from which you can choose a suitable title icon for your FAQ.
- Like & dislike button – The plugin comes with the option to add like & dislike buttons to your FAQs that lets you grab engagements for your FAQ from the users.
- FAQ Template – With the Advanced FAQ manager plugin, you can group similar types of FAQs together and display them with attractive text and background color. You can even display active FAQs in different text color.
The accordion style of the FAQs easily lets the viewers switch through each FAQ one-by-one. Even though accordion style uses minimal space, Using the “multiple FAQ accordions open” option, your user will have option to keep any number of accordions open there by giving you the flexiblity.
When loading the FAQ page, you can even decide to keep all FAQ accordions in the set closed, or keep the accordion open only for the first FAQ in the set, using the Advanced FAQ Manager Plugin. Again you will have the flexibility to decide on how an accordion should behave using the Advanced FAQ Manager Plugin.
The Advanced FAQ Manager also lets you display FAQs in specific colour theme by overriding the general settings for each individual FAQ sets. FAQ plugin also provides the option for viewers to share the FAQs to social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Email – you can choose whichever to display).
Import/Export of FAQs made easy. If you need to include FAQs from another WordPress account or export FAQs to them, you can use the default WordPress Import/Export option included in the plugin settings of this WordPress FAQ Plugin.
Aadd category.
Add new FAQ.
Shortcode for FAQ.
Paste shortcode for FAQ group.
Grouped FAQ Sample template.
FAQ display settings.
General settings.
Social share settings.
Copy shortcode.
10.Add shortcode.
11.Sample FAQ template.