Advanced Video Embed – Embed Videos Or Playlists Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Adavnced Video embed free version supports youtube video embed into your wordpress posts, with easy to use search panel along side you can also create youtube playlists within the search panel and generate its shortcode to use in posts.
You can use biult in shortcode to view any youtube video in any post or page or sidebar anywhere you want just use the shortcode below with paramteres as well
Youtube video shortcode e.g: [ave_yt i=”9bZkp7q19f0″ rel=”Yes” full=”Yes” controls=”Yes”]
Parameters :
- i is an youtube video id which is required.
- rel rel can be Yes or No or remove it to show relative videos normally | this parameters can be used to show or hide suggestion when video is over.
- full full can be Yes or No or remove it to allow full screen normally | this parameters can be used to allow or disallow the full screen mode of video.
- controls controls can be Yes or No or remove it to use controls normally
Youtube make videos id playlist : [ave_playlist ids=”e-ORhEE9VVg,9bZkp7q19f0,0KSOMA3QBU0″]
Parameters :
- ids this parameter can include one or more id’s divided by comma(,) and used in any post or page or anywhere.
You can also use the search panel By going into A.V.E SEARCH VIDEO section and search video by clicking on View an popup will open where you can generate an shortcode with parameters you want and also you can generate an playlist ,by clicking on + Playlist button pn any video you can add it into an box , you can add as much video you want and then click on generate button along the input box and an shortcode will be generated for you to use in an post or page or anywhere in wordpress site.
Comming someone