Adverttus Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Adverttus is a new web app that helps website owners and managers (the partners) to turn their websites traffic into free ads. To make it more easy, it’s something like ads exchange, but in a better and organized way. How that comes?
The JavaScript code file (adverttusads.js), that is being embedded into the partner website’s HTML, tells our app that the partner owns the website he/she submitted for review, so Adverttus moderators start in reviewing the content of that website, and confirm or reject it.
If the website was confirmed, the partner can create some ad units and embed them into the website pages, where he/she decides. Here, the JavaScript code file, starts in calling the code that search for the ad units on the pages, and it takes their dimensions, then call the database and starts in loading the ads in the ads units.
Each impression of those ads is recorded in Adverttus databases. Then, the app can count them and adds some “Coins” to the partner account, the “Coins” are used only inside Adverttus, the partner can use some of them (even 1 Coin) to publish his/her own ads thought the partners network of websites. So, the partners don’t need money for making ads campaigns.
This WordPress plugin helps the users of the platform, who already registered at Adverttus and submitted their websites for reviewing, to include the JavaScript code file in the right place in and in an easy way, so their websites show the netowrk ads and get the “Coins”, then will be able promote their products, services.
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