Affiliatize Me Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Affiliatize Me Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin searches links on your site for the domain that you specify in the settings, adds your affiliate ID, and makes those links open in a new tab when clicked.

The plugin produces XHTML Strict compliant code and is search engine optimized (SEO).
This is done using JavaScript’s It adds only a few lines of vanilla JavaScript to the page, and does not require any external libraries like jQuery.

Most other plugins perform a hack by altering the target parameter (i.e. <a href="http://somewhere.example" target="_blank">). That method is not XHTML Strict compliant.

This plugin handles the links client-side, which lets search engines follow the links properly. Also, if a browser does not support JavaScript, the plugin is simply inactive, and does not result in any errors.

Inspired by the External Links in New Window / New Tab plugin.

Known bugs
The plugin conflicts with other plugins that change the links’ `onClick´ attribute.


  1. Affiliatize Me settings

    Affiliatize Me settings

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