Affilizz Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Affilizz is an official plugin for the affiliation platform that enables its users to connect to the API and insert seamlessly affiliate links, price tables and calls to action both on the classic and Gutenberg editors.
The plugin was released outside of the plugin directory at its launch and was added to the directory at the 1.13.0 version.
- Affiliate link configuration pop-in ;
- Step-by-step configuration wizard ;
- Configuration pane and debug information page ;
- Inline rendering of an affiliate link or price table in the classic editor ;
- Gutenberg editor block to insert affiliate links and price tables.
In addition, the plugin aims to allow users to customize the way they interact with the platform and insert links in the table.
It adds a database table holding the rendered versions of the embeds, to bypass connectivity issues.
How to contribute
As of now, this plugin is not open to external pull requests. To allow users to better understand how our code is built and proposed here, the plugin’s “assets” folders contains a “src” folder containing unobfuscated, readable JS and SCSS code. Our team uses Mix to bundle javascript files and uses these external libraries / modules :
* Tom Select 2.2.0
If you want to apply changes to the current codebase, please configure your preprocessor or bundler to compile :
* assets/src/scss/admin.scss to assets/dist/css/admin.css
* assets/src/scss/public.scss to assets/dist/css/public.css
* assets/src/js/admin.js to assets/dist/js/admin.js
* assets/src/js/wizard.js to assets/dist/js/admin.js
* assets/src/js/editor.js to assets/dist/js/admin.js
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