AJAX Report Comments Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
*** Please Note: If you have installed v.1, please deactivate, install, and then reactivate the plugin. ***
AJAX Report Comments is a simple yet powerful add-on for any WordPress blog, particularly larger blogs with a higher volume of user comments. It provides blog visitors the ability to report an inappropriate comment to the blog’s moderator with a single click using AJAX and email.
Through the WordPress Admin you can modify many aspects of the plugin including the text of the “Report Comment” link, the resulting “Thank you” message, the email address to send the inappropriate comment to and the layout and content of the generated email itself. You can even modify the HTML surrounding the “Report Comment” link to suit your needs.
After a comment is reported, the email address you specify will receive a message including the text of the reported comment and a link to view the comment on the site. The next version of this plugin will include more admin options and variety of moderation options, such as placing the comment in a moderation queue if more than X number of visitors flag it as inappropriate.
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