All Purpose Currency Converter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Convert any currency (to allowed PayPal currencies) for any kind of e-commerce system scenarios
- Convert any currency (to allowed PayPal currencies) for any kind of e-commerce system scenarios
- Due to the design of the plugin it virtually supports any e-commerce solution that is available for WordPress
- Currently it offers four distinct shortcodes that can be used for custom integration:
- Exchangerate [exr] = 0.00008 This shortcode retrieves the exchange rate. Usage in PHP: do_shortcode(‘[exr]’)
- Currency couple [cc] = IDR/USD This shortcode retrieves the exchange rate currencies. Usage in PHP: do_shortcode(‘[cc]’)
- Tource currency ISO code [sc] = IDR This shortcode retrieves the source currency ISO code. Usage in PHP: do_shortcode(‘[sc]’)
- Target currency ISO code [tc] = USD This shortcode retrieves the target currency ISO code. Usage in PHP: do_shortcode(‘[tc]’)
- Automatically update the currency exchange rate between your shop currency and the desired PayPal currency with WP-crontrol (or any other cron plugin), your hosting servers cron job, or a 3rd party cron job service.
- Actual Currency Exchange Rates will be retrieved from “Open Exchange Rates API”, YAHOO Finance, or European Central Bank.
- Sends notification email to the admin’s email address when the exchange rate has been updated.
- Logs the actions into a log file.
- Tool-tip help on every item.
- Translation Ready
- Easy to Setup
- Gives warning for unsupported php.ini settings.
- Find the settings page “Exchange Rates” in WordPress settings menu.
- Select your exchangerate provider (Yahoo will do for most purposes)
- Optionaly register a valid API ID and activate it with the radio button or use Yahoo Finance, or European Central Bank as your exchange rate provider
- First time only: Set your source currency ISO code and select your target currency
- After saving this settings. the current exchangerate will be retrieved.
- Accept the suggested exchange rate shown in the button.
- Save settings.
For automatic updates you have three options.
One option is to use a suitable Cron-Job plugin like “WP-Crontrol” and register the hook “ppcc_cexr_update” for your desired update frequency.
Another option is to call the given AJAX url ( from your hosting servers cron job or an online cron job service like EASYCRON.COM for a hassle free solution.
(This ensures an accurate timing for the upates.)
If the checkbox “log” is checked an email notification will be sent to the admin’s email address every time the exchange rate is updated with date, time, and exchange rate value.
Furthermore the log file will be populated with every action the plugin does.
The log file can be found and viewed in the indicated location while using your FTP client.
For additional convenience you can open the log-file in a pop up window.
To make this work add: “Allow from <your servers ID will be indicated in the plugin>” to the .htaccess file inside ”../plugins/woocommerce/logs/”
How can I integrate this?
As shown on the backend there are several shortcodes that can be used both in PHP or on the front end. In General one needs to figure out the PayPal IPN checkout process and total calculation in a specific plugin.
For example „Car rental System 4.3“ has the IPN calculation in file display-step5-booking-process.php. Beginning with line 172 one can see how the integration with APCC can be realized:
//$objPayPal->addField('currency_code', $objCore->getConfig('currency_code'));
$targetcurrency = do_shortcode('[tc]');
$objPayPal->addField('currency_code', $targetcurrency ;//get the target currency
//$objPayPal->addField('amount', number_format(floatval($priceSummary['overall']['total_pay_now']), 2, '.', ''));
$Summary = $priceSummary['overall']['total_pay_now'] * do_shortcode('[exr]');//do the conversion
$objPayPal->addField('amount', number_format(floatval($Summary), 2, '.', ''));