AntiSpam For Contact Form 7 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Antispam for Contact Form 7 is a free plugin for Contact Form 7, that without boring you with configurations, block bots from flood your email inbox.
CF7A use several in and off page bots traps and an auto-learning mechanism based on a statistical “Bayesian” spam filter called b8.
CF7-AntiSpam adds some functionalities also to Flamingo: if both are installed Flamingo will be used as interface for the antispam system and some convenient features will be added, such a dashboard widget or a function to resend emails.
Basic – install & go! no action required to get the standard protection.
Advanced – CF7A needs to parse the input message field of your form to analyze properly the email content with its dictionary.
So the only thing you need to do is add to (for each contact form) ‘flamingo_message: “[your-message]”‘ in the same way you do for flamingo.
This is required for advanced text statistical analysis, without this B8 filter will be disabled.
Antispam Available Test
- It is verified that the mail is sent through the cf7 module protecting the form with a encrypted unique hash
- Browser Fingerprinting (check if is a real browser or a bot that camouflaging as such)
- Blacklist bots after a customizable number of attempts (with the possibility to schedule unban)
- Time elapsed (a form is not filled out in a few seconds as bots do)
- IP check (you set a list of banned IP’s, ipv6 compatible)
- Prohibited words in message/email and user agent
- DNS Blacklists
- Honeypot
- Honeyform
- B8 statistical “Bayesian” spam filter
Install Flamingo to unlock the spam manager!
Not using Flamingo? well i suggest you to install it, even if it is not essential. In this way from your wordpress installation you will be able to review emails and “re-teach” b8 what is spam and what is not (might be useful in the first times if some mail spam pass through).
And if you already use Flamingo? Even better! But remember, to add ‘flamingo_message: “[your-message]”‘ to advanced settings (as you do for the other flamingo labels) before activation.
While activating CF7A all previous collected mail will be parsed and b8 will learn and build its vocabulary. In this way you will start with a pre-trained algorithm. Super cool!
– On the right side of Flamingo inbound page i’ve added a new column that show the mail spamminess level
– if you unban an email in the flamingo “inbound” page the related ip will be removed from blacklist. But if you mark as spam the mail the ip will be not blacklisted again.
– Before activate this plugin please be sure to mark all spam mail as spam in flamingo inbound, in this way the b8 algorithm will be auto-trained
– Don’t delete a spam message from ham if you receive it, rather put it in spam to teach b8 how to recognise the difference!
Privacy Notices
AntiSpam for Contact Form 7 only process the ip but doesn’t store any personal data, but anyway it creates a dictionary of spam and ham words in the wordpress database.
This database may contain words that are in the e-mail message, so can contain also personal data. This data can be “degenerated” that means the words that were in the e-mail might have been changed.
The purpose of this word collecting is to build a dictionary used for the spam detection.
Community support via the support forums on
Open an issue on GitHub
We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it’s:
- Reporting a bug
- Testing the plugin with different user agent and report fingerprinting failures
- Discussing the current state, features, improvements
- Submitting a fix or a new feature
We use github to host code, to track issues and feature requests, as well as accept pull requests.
By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its GPLv2 License.
My goal is to create an antispam that protects cf7 definitively without relying on external services. And free for everyone.
if you want to help me, GitHub is the right place 😉
Debug / Plugin PHP Constants
Enable debug mode (verbose mode – need wp debug to be enabled and prints analysis results into log)
define( ‘CF7ANTISPAM_DEBUG’, true);
Enable extended debug mode (CF7ANTISPAM_DEBUG needs to be enabled, disable autoban and enable advanced logging).
if you uninstall this plugin with this option is enabled options and b8 words database will not be deleted. (Use it if you know what you are doing, because this way you do not delete/reset options and vocabulary)
Dnsbl benchmark
if the mail takes so long to be sent, maybe it is a dnsbl that is taking so long to reply. with this option active, the time that each dns took to reply is printed in the log.
AntiSpam for Contact Form 7, Copyright 2021 Codekraft Studio
AntiSpam for Contact Form 7 is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Geoip ban
- Banned ip and dictionary CSV Export/import settings
- Remove mail duplicates if users sent multiple
- Optimise the the mail analysis function using filters (actually is a long script that execute sequentially checks)
- Cover with the antispam also the wordpress comment form and the login panel
- Contact Form 7 and Flamingo © 2021 Takayuki Miyoshi,LGPLv3 or later
- b8, © 2021 Tobias Leupold, LGPLv3 or later
- chart.js, © 2021 Chart.js contributors, MIT
- Sudden Shower in the Summer, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons
DNSBL servers privacy policies
- license
- license
- license
- license
- license
- license
- privacy-policy
- privacy
Inspirations, links
- Alexander Romanov Bot detection page
- Nikolai Tschacher
- Niespodd niespodd
- Thomas Breuss tbreuss
- Domain Name System-based blackhole list wiki
- dnsbl list wiki